Ch. 10 - A Homework Date

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When Everly got back up to her room Keaton was sitting on her bed talking to Monroe who was across the room on her bed. When he looked up and saw the tears in her eyes he asked, "Hey, are you alright?" as he stood up and walked towards her. "Did he hurt you?"

"No," she said, shaking her head and looking down at her hands. "Not physically at least," she shrugged sadly, lifting her watery eyes to look up at him. "On the inside? Well, that's a different story."

Keaton stopped in front of her, looking down and studying her face for a second before reaching out and wiping a tear away from her cheek. "You look like you're in desperate need of a sexy British man to cheer you up," he offered with a weak smile.

"Oh yeah? Do you know where I can find one?" she asked, laughing through her tears.

He clutched his heart and got a pained look on his face, "Oh I'm hurt. I'm wounded."

She laughed and smacked his chest with a smile, before wiping away her tears. "More like your ego is wounded," she said, rolling her eyes.  

"No, that's still fully in tact," he laughed with a playful smile. "So, are you ready to get out of here?"

"What did you have in mind?" she asked, looking at the picnic basket in his hands. "I thought we were just going to work on our assignment tonight?"

"We are. We're just not working on it in my room and before you ask, I'm not telling you where we're going. Just bring your computer and whatever else you need."

"Okay," she said hesitantly, scrunching her brow at him. She wondered where in the world he was planning to take her. She flung her backpack over her shoulder and as she followed him out the door, she gave Monroe a smile and a wave, saying "Bye". Monroe gave her a wave and a mischievous wink, her not so subtle way of hinting about her and Keaton.

When they were riding down in the elevator she looked at Keaton out of the corner of her eye and she couldn't help but smile, feeling butterflies in her stomach at the thought of him planning a surprise for her. It almost felt like they were going on a date. When they got outside she saw a really fancy, shiny black car that looked really expensive waiting for them. She didn't know anything about cars but she knew enough to know that this was an expensive one.

They both slid into the backseat and she looked around, taking in her surroundings in awe. The interior was black upholstered leather with a fancy silver emblem stitched into it and the doors, walls and carpet were also black but had silver trim with some white accents. She had never seen a car like this before and it looked really high-class.

"Did you rent this car?" she asked as she ran a hand over the leather seat.

"No. It's one of my Dad's."

"Wow, it's really nice."

The chauffeur pulled away from the curb and started driving down the road and Keaton looked over at Everly and said, "So, judging by your tears earlier, it seemed like your talk with Brad didn't go well." 

"Yeah, that's an understatement," she said, looking down and letting out an exhale. "It was a shock to see him. I didn't expect him to fly all the way here from California and show up out of the blue like that." 

"Yeah, kind of sounds like something a stalker would do," Keaton scoffed. "He probably thought if he flew across the country and apologized hard enough you'd forgive him and take him back."

"Well," she said, taking in a deep breath and letting it out. "It turns out that he didn't just fly here to talk to me. The real reason he came was because he's signing a marketing deal with the New York Yankees and he's actually transferring to NYU to be close to them." 

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