As a Child, Dreams are Everything

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(Izuku is 4 now)

Hello. My name is Izuku Midoriya.

I was born into a world where 80% of the population has some kind of power, called a quirk!

When I was around 4 years old, I should have developed a quirk. Instead, I developed nothing. My best friend Katsuki Bakugo - or Kacchan as I call him - saw me as weak, useless and... well a mistake. It got even worse as he developed a powerful and intimidating quirk called Explosion. He would threaten me, insult me, push me around. We were no longer friends. I stopped talking to anyone to avoid being humiliated and steered clear of Kacchan and his so-called friends. 

Then I started having strange dreams. One day, I got home from another day of torture, and I begged my mom to let me watch the video of Allmight again. Whenever I watched it, it inspired me to never give up on my dream of becoming a hero and to keep pushing through life's challenges.

"Time for bed honey!" my mother called me from the computer, and I obliged and headed to bed, tired and exhausted. I put down my Allmight action figure and snuggled up in my bed, and slowly drifted off to sleep...

I woke up to find myself in a vast, green field. I rubbed my eyes and sat up.

"Where am I?"

I got up and looked around. Then I spotted a strangely built structure with a sign next to the door that read 

"The Boar Hat"

What's that... I thought to myself.

Since I had nowhere to go, I headed towards the building, then opened the green, wooden door to find a tavern with wooden tabled with wooden chairs. And a young, blonde boy sitting there. He had dazzling emerald green eyes that looked similar to mine, but mine were darker.

"So I can finally meet you now!" the boy said.

"W-who are you?"

"My name is Meliodas! And you must be Izuku Midoriya"

"How do you know my name?"

"Because I've been watching you."

"Are you a stalker sir?" I said, being the innocent, dumb little child I was.

"Ha! No, I'm not. You're supposedly "quirkless" in your world huh?"

"Y-yes... are you going to make fun of me too?" I stuttered.

"No! Of course not! In fact, I brought you here to give you a quirk!" the boy smiled

"W-what? H-how?"

"But you can't get it until you turn 14"

"Really sir?"

"Call me Meliodas!"

"S-sorry Meliodas..."

"Anyway, when you turn 14, I we will meet, and then I can give you my powers! But I have to warn you. With my powers, also comes a curse."

"What kind of curse?"

"I will tell you more, when we meet 10 years from now."

"Please, d-do you think... that I could become a hero?" I asked nervously

"A hero... is that what you want to be?"

"Yes! More than anything!" I replied hopefully

"If it is your dream... then you should stop at nothing to achieve it. You will become the greatest hero, and I will help you achieve your dreams every step of the way! I will reside in your mind and guide you through every challenge life throws at you, and make sure you're dreams come true" Meliodas smiled wide, and put a hand on my head "You can become a hero."

Then everything went white.

And yet again, I woke up.

"I-it was a dream?" I asked myself.

But that dream gave me new hope. Because I knew that I could become a hero. I quickly got out of bed and wrote down the boy's name.


I made a promise to myself that I would become a hero.

I got ready for school, then my mom dropped me off and I happily rushed into class, smiling the entire way to my desk.

I was a bit late, but I didn't care. 

"Midoriya why are you late?!" The teacher asked

"S-sorry!!" but I didn't really mean it. I was too excited, and unfortunately, Kacchan noticed that.

"Hey Deku!" Kacchan approached me, using the name he calls me to make fun of me.

"Y-yes Kacchan?" I replied half-nervously, because I knew Meliodas would take care of me.

"Why are you so damn excited all of a sudden?"

Yes, I know he's just a 4 year old like me, but he is still as aggressive with words and actions as any grown person.

"Uh, no reason?"

"If you won't tell me I'll beat it out of you!"

He started to launch towards me, when a voice rang out in my head.

"Move quickly to the right, then run behind him"

I felt I could trust the voice, so I did it, and Kacchan missed me, and fell on his knees instead.


"Move to the left and duck under his arm"

I did as the voice said, and Kacchan ended up falling over again.


"Duck under his arm, then grab it and swing him over your shoulder"

I did as the voice said, and Kacchan landed on the floor

"Now run like you're life depends on it - because it does"

I ran away from Kacchan as fast as I could, and I could hear his angry shouts from across the entire school.

Thank you! I thought to the voice

No problem! Remember, if you ever get into any trouble, call out my name, Meliodas, and I'll come to you ok?

Ok!  I replied.

Also, I believe in you with all my heart, so never forget your dreams, and always have hope!

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