Chapter 10

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Ay hi! Sorry I haven't been updating lately, I've been bingeing Naruto way too much. And I mean WAY too much. As in half and entire season plus 4 Naruto movies in one day. I need help. Enjoy.

Izuku POV

Since we rescued Ban, he's been crashing at my place. Sometimes he tends to slip into my school (he's like, the ONLY one who could accomplish that, I have NO idea how he gets through my schools security systems.) and either spy on me, or cause a little bit of trouble by pickpocketing some students as they pass by the bushes or trees he hides in. I keep telling him not to do it, but not once does he ever listen.

Since he was stuck down in a dungeon for who knows how long, his clothes were all ripped, torn and incredible dirty. His hair was also way overgrown. He "found" some clothes lying in a "shady" alleyway and has been wearing them since. he wore a red leather jacket with a fox on the back (what a coincidence), black leather pants with blue and red swirling patterns on the sides, black fingerless leather gloves with a hole on top of the hand, and knee high red and black boots. (And no, he is not obsessed with leather. Trust me. And he has no shirt under the jacket, he never does.) He cut his hair back down to it's normal size and style - spiky. 

His personality was what I could call - A sassy, calmer, more sarcastic version of Bakugo. As well as taller, older, and much less anger issues. I have a feeling that if and when they meet, they'll be at each others throats for as long as they both shall live. Well more like as long as Bakugo shall live. Me and Ban are quite good friends now, as well as Todoroki.

EnD oF POv

NoBoDieS PoV

It was the start of a new school day, and Aizawa was crawling into the classroom in his signature sleeping bag. Izuku looked out the window and saw Ban snoring away on the front lawn of the school.

"Honestly, he's going to get himself caught sleeping there like that. Right in plain sight..." Izuku sighed to himself.

"Ok everyone, shut up." Aizawa yawned. "I know the recent events have troubled many of you, but the teachers and council have decided it must go ahead."

"What... What could it possible be..." The class thought, distressed about what their teacher might possible have to say.

"The UA sports festival is coming up."

Half the class gasped and cheered... the other half anime-dropped dead on the floor.

"AIZAWA SENSEI! DON'T WORRY US LIKE THAT!!" The anime-falled group yelled.

The cheering group... well, they continued to cheer.

Midoriya was in neither group, he just leant back in his chair and put his hands behind his head. He sighed and smiled at the warmth of the sun pouring in through the large, clear windows.

"SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN." Aizawa raised his voice, his hair floating and eyes glowing red as he activated his quirk.

The class immediately sat down and shut up, and Aizawas appearance returned to its usual tired self.

"Anyways, it'll take place *insert appropriate time here because the author is too lazy to think up a random time*. You'll have til then to prepare."

"But Aizawa Sensei, isn't it dangerous to have right after a villain attack?" A small grapey weirdo named Mineta called out nervously.

"Mineta, don't you know how important this event is?" Midoriya called back, still leaning on his chair with his eyes closed.

"Of course I do, I just don't wanna get murdered!" Mineta said back nervously.

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