Sports Fest Round 2

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*Sorry this is so short*

"All right ladies and gentlemen! The next round will be... a Cavalry Battle!"

The crowd cheered, with Midnight explaining the ruled.

"You will compete in teams of 4-5, with 3-4 people being the horse, and the other one being the rider! Each of you will recieve a certain amount of points, with first place being the highest, with ten million points!"

All eyes landed on an oblivious Midoriya, who was chatting with Todoroki.

"Form your teams!"

(All teams are canon)

The teams got ready, making plans for how to snatch away the 10 million points around Midoriya's neck.


5 teams charged at the greenette's group but was saved by Midoriya hoisting them all on his shoulders, then jumping ridiculously high into the air, giving his cheeky smile to all the other competitors left in the dust. They managed to stay suspended in the air thanks to Hatsume's flying contraption... uh... things... 

They all considered this an instant win, since as long as they kept the 10 Million points safe, they had a free ticket to the final round.

They uh, weren't wrong. Let's say.

(Totally not me just being too damn lazy to think up and write an entire fight scene)

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