plastered smiles

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perhaps plastic surgery?
no no that's too extreme
a little scrub to light the skin
what about steroids?
just a little bit
bulk those muscles
try to look fit
how about some ego?
how about some pride?
don't tell ur feelings
to the boy u like
no, u shouldn't
u better not call
don't let her know
u miss her at all
don't u dare say "hi"
to that person, u know
who is not cool
 not anymore
u cant be seen
steeping so low
don't wear that cloth
u wore before
or they may think
that ur now broke
"enjoy it," they say
"enjoy it have fun"
"live like u don't care"
"ignore everyone"
but u must look pretty
but u must look good
attract all the girls
and all the boys, if u could
how have we become
societies toy
a temporary source
of inept joy
but that is how
we're now designed
so put on a show
but keep in mind
the real us is who we hide
we are no longer bonafide
put layers upon layers
Mask upon mask
don't show urself
but they won't ask
we're camouflaged
wearing disguise
covering up
by our lies
with our fake physique
And plastered smiles.

We are all that is left of societies
We are what's left to love with
Plastered smiles

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