"How the Hell are you guys still alive?"

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Lexy2710 asked all three Winchesters: "how the hell are you guys still alive?"
Alexia: honestly, we've had help and we've used our brain and skill, but it's possible sheer dumb luck.
Dean: and talent
Alexia: and talent, hey doesn't that go under the category of skill?
Dean: yeah... Talent sounds better
Alexia: *shrugs* touché
Sam: and there you have it, how we are still alive today!
Alexia: honestly it still remains a mystery how we don't stay dead
Sam: Alex!
Alexia: what?
Dean: Dude, no one needs to know that.
Alexia: it's a bit late, everybody has seen and knows how so why should I- Ow! Dean!
Sam: now that wasn't unnecessary
Dean: Yes it was
Sam: No it wasn't
Dean: yes it was
Sam: No it wasn't
Dean: yes it was.
And that goes on for an hour or two. See ya! Leave questions in the comments below!

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