Synchronized training

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(Training ground)

Genjuurou: welcome to synchronized training you too.

Kanade: why so early, it's only 5AM.

Genjuurou: it's no only 5AM, it's already 5AM you mean.

Y/n: I don't have much time. I got an early shift at flower.

Genjuurou: no you don't. I already talked with the owner of flower. You got the next few weeks off.

Y/n: damm….

Genjuurou: did you say something Y/n?

Y/n: no!

Genjuurou: good. I also want to thank tsubasa for coming to see even tho she is still recovering.

Tsubasa: I wouldn't miss it for the world.

Genjuurou: that's exactly what I want to hear, because you and hibiki will also get your turn to train with Y/n.

Tsubasa: what!?

Kanade: ha!

Y/n: éh!

Genjuurou: you and hibiki also can form double with Y/n that's why. But first Y/n and kanade.

Y/n / kanade: yes!!

Genjuurou: good answer. Stand right next to each other, Y/n left and kanade right.

Y/n and kanade stood next to each other. Then genjuurou took out a scarf and wrapped it around there feet.

Y/n: why is this neccessary?

Kanade: are we doing a three legged race?

Genjuurou: something like that. I want you to run around this building at least ten times. You can start with walking but each lap needs to be faster than the last, if not you get two penalty laps for each time you are slower.

Y/n / kanade: whaaaat!!!

Kanade: that's almost a kilometer each lap

Genjuurou: you two better hurry up then.

Y/n and kanade started walking at first they Tripped alot but after that they started to get the hang of it. They were a few times slower than the lap before, but after 18 laps they finished.

Genjuurou: good job, take ten.

Y/n and kanade fell to the ground exhausted. Tsubasa came up to them with some energy drinks.

Tsubasa: here you go you two, some refreshments.

Y/n / kanade: thanks.

They started drinking right away. After 9 minutes genjuurou walked up.

Genjuurou: breaks over. Time to get up.

They followed genjuurou inside. Once inside they saw two reaction walls.

 Once inside they saw two reaction walls

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