Chapter 5

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Draco was having a panic attack. When he heard what happened to Katie Bell, panic crashed into him and he found it hard to breathe. He went to the only place he knew that he was going to get some privacy—Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. He had been spending a lot of time there and he was finding himself not minding Myrtle's company. She was as miserable as he was and she was actually a good listener. He didn't give her any specifics but he told her enough for her to be able to comfort him. It was odd but he wasn't complaining.

He ran into the bathroom and into one of the stalls. After throwing up his lunch, he sat on the toilet seat and put his head in between his knees. He focused on his breathing, trying to get his heart to beat at a normal pace. It wasn't working though. He wasn't getting enough air and that just made the panic settle in more. He couldn't believe that he had almost killed Katie Bell. A girl that he had never talked to before. He was told that Katie would be fine after a few months of recovery but it didn't make the panic go down. If this is what it felt like after almost killing someone, how could he kill Dumbledore?

"Draco? Are you all right?" Myrtle's voice barely penetrated his overwhelming panic but he couldn't answer her. The walls were closing in on him.

Myrtle disappeared but Draco didn't notice. He was afraid that he was going to stop breathing. Draco didn't know how long he was like that but all of a sudden, the door to the stall opened and someone was kneeling in front of him. At first, Draco thought that he was hallucinating. Harry Potter could not be kneeling in front of him, in three inches of water, with his hands on Draco's knees. But then Harry's hand was on Draco's scalding cheek and he was staring into the deep pools of his green eyes. His eyes were like a comforting blanket over his shoulders and his breathing started slowing. That's when he realized that Harry was speaking.

"Draco? Draco, can you hear me?"

Draco could, but he didn't want Harry's hands to move. Harry raised up on his knees and moved the hand that was on his knee to his shoulder. He was trying to get Draco's attention but Draco thought that he was giving him his attention. He was staring right into Harry's eyes, but they must be glazed. Draco couldn't believe this was happening. The panic was easing and Draco's eyes drifted to Harry's lips which were parted slightly. He couldn't help wondering what it would be like to kiss them...

That brought him out of his reverie and he stood up abruptly, causing Harry to fall back on his heels.

"What the hell are you doing here, Potter?" He hissed, his panic turning into a different kind of panic. The panic of realizing that someone had seen him losing his self-control.

Harry got to his feet. "Myrtle told me you were having an attack. I came to see if you were okay. What the hell happened to you?"

"Why would she grab you of all people?" Draco snapped.

"I was the only one around but that's not the point—"

"The point is that this is none of your concern."

"You were about to pass out, Malfoy—"

"I had it completely under control—"

"No, you didn't, if I wasn't here—"

"Yes, nothing can go wrong with the golden boy around! I am eternally in your debt!"

A storm seemed to pass over Harry's face and he growled out, "go to Hell."

He turned and walked out as Draco called out, "I'm already there!"


Harry stomped angrily to the Gryffindor common room. He hated that he was so upset and hurt by how Draco treated him. Draco was treating him the same way he had always treated him. Maybe he thought that they were getting past that. At least getting past the snapping at each other for no apparent reason. Harry was only trying to help and was honestly worried for him when Myrtle came up to him and told him that Draco couldn't breathe. He had run to the bathroom and Draco did seem to calm when he came but then Draco lashed out and now Harry was left with this sticky feeling in his gut and he was angry that Draco could make him feel this way. Was it so hard for him to act like a decent human being for once?

Harry gave the Fat Lady the password and walked into the common room. He should have been happy to see his friends sitting around the room but at that moment, he didn't want to deal with anyone. He slipped toward the stairs, hoping to be unnoticed when he tripped on his robe. He was able to steady himself before falling but it caught the attention of the others in the room.

"Harry! Come study with us," Neville called.

Hermione looked over and her eyes drifted to his robes. "Why are you all wet?"

Harry looked down at himself and realized he, foolishly, hadn't used a spell to dry off his clothes after he left.

"Moaning Myrtle asked me to help with something and I got it all figured out. I'm just going to go up and change." Harry bolted up the stairs before they could ask any more questions.

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