Chapter 57

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Harry could have held onto Draco forever, but there wasn't time for a proper reunion. Harry intertwined his fingers with Draco's and turned to face his friends who were all a mask of shock (besides Ron, Hermione, and Ginny).

"Bloody hell. I wasn't expecting that," Neville replied and turned to Ron. "Did you know?"

"Yeah, I knew," Ron muttered. "I had to deal with their couple-y shit for months."

"I knew it," Seamus remarked with a grin. "They were obsessed with each other for years. I knew it was only a matter of time."

Neville looked like he was going to ask something but Harry cut him off. "We don't have time to talk about this. We've got to split up and find this thing. Draco and I will go check out the Ravenclaw common room." Harry looked at Ron and Hermione. "Can you two destroy the cup?"

They nodded and they all dispersed. Harry turned to McGonagall.

"What do you need, Mr. Potter?" She asked.

"Time. As much as you can give me, Professor."

She nodded. "Consider it done." 

Draco and Harry headed toward the stairs when Blaise came up to them.

"Hey! What's the plan? What is everyone doing?" Blaise asked.

"We're looking for Ravenclaw's lost diadem," Harry explained. "We think it could be something that can help us defeat you-know-who."

"Lost diadem...I think I've heard that story but it hasn't been seen in a long time," Blaise replied.

"Yeah, Cho said that no one alive has seen it."

"I'll take a look around. Maybe check the library," Blaise said.

"Okay. Be safe," Draco spoke.

Blaise smiled and nodded. "You too, mate."

Then they went their separate ways. Harry headed up the stairs with Draco not far behind him, never releasing his hand. He was so glad to see him again but there were some things that he wanted to know...

"What happened after we separated?" Harry asked.

"I was just sent here."

"You never had to talk to you-know-who? No one asked you about why you ran away? Or who you were with?"

"There were rumors but no one could prove anything and I didn't tell anyone. It wasn't much of an issue since Blaise and I had our own dorm away from the others associated with deatheaters."

"You and Blaise...had your own private we used to have," Harry replied, trying to push the images of Draco with anyone else out of his mind. He wouldn't do that. Though, Blaise and he were close...

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