Chapter 49

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Draco woke up alone, with an uneasy feeling in his stomach. Harry was on watch but he was supposed to wake him up when it was his turn. Draco got up, slipping on some boots before walking out of the tent to go sit with Harry. His heart dropped when he saw that Harry wasn't there. He ran back into the tent and shook Granger awake.

"Granger, wake up. Harry's gone."

She blinked up at him. "What?"

"Harry's gone."

She sat up. "When? Why?"

"I don't know. I just noticed. We've got to look for him."

She nodded and got to her feet. She threw on her shoes and they both grabbed their coats before leaving the tent. There were some tracks in the snow that they followed. They could hear noise up ahead and they quickened their pace. When they made it to the lake, Draco wasn't sure what he was seeing. Harry was lying in the snow, wearing nothing but his boxers, and was soaking wet. There was a cloud of dark smoke rising above him, showing Harry and Granger snogging. And then there was Weasley, holding the sword of Gryffindor, running toward the smoke. There was a crash and then the smoke was gone, replaced by the broken locket.

"What the fuck just happened?" Draco looked at Granger who was staring at Weasley. That wasn't going to be pretty but it would sure as hell be hilarious to watch. Though, Harry was priority right now. He ran over to Harry. "Did I miss some dark ritual?"

"Practically," Harry said, letting Draco help him to his feet.

"And is there a reason you're nearly naked?"

"Yes, I'm leaving you for Ron. I'm sorry you had to find out this way."

Draco snorted. "If you chose Weasley over me then you clearly don't have any taste and I deserve better."

"What can I say? I have a thing for redheads."

"Low blow."

"Oh, come off it," Harry wrapped his arms around Draco. "You know I love you."

"And redheads."

"I like redheads, but I love blonds."

Draco huffed out a laugh. "You're ridiculous."

"Yes, but you're smiling so I feel like I'm out of hot water now."

"You should be in hot water since you won't stop shivering."

"Or I can just hold on tighter to you," Harry replied and tightened his grip.

"You need to get dressed and stop your friends from killing each other."

Harry turned to look. Granger had her wand out and was yelling at Weasley. Draco really hoped that she would hex him. Merlin knows he deserves it. And it would be funny as hell to watch.

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