Chapter 32.

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Bianca’s POV

"Laural! I will be there in 5!" I yell out through the the phone, which is on loudspeaker as I drive.

"Bianca! I've been waiting here for hours!" She whines.
"Dramatic as ever! I'm outside." I tell her.

I make my way into our favorite restaurant, where we meet for lunch at least twice a week.

"It's about time you got here Granny!" She teases.

"You ordered without me?" I ask, in surprise.

"Duh! The early bird catches the worm and late comers always eat bones." She answers between bites.

She raises her hand, signaling for a waiter. One looks over and just nods before heading out back.

I'm surprised by the exchange and ask what is going on.

"Just relax and have a little faith." She brushes me off.

"It's been forever since I came by the house! How are my munchkins?" She asks.

"They are quite alright, I just feel like I'm running WWE." I say earning a laugh from her.

"How come?" She asks.

"I don't know what's the big deal about the TV in the living room that they always have to fight over the remote." I explain.

"Well, that's normal for siblings. I mean we used to do that all the time." She says.

"Yeah but they have TVs in their rooms and there is a completely separate TV room for them." I explain.

"They probably like spending time together, it's just difficult to come to an agreement." She chuckles.

"Yeah that what I thought too." I tell her.

The rest of lunch goes smoothly. Her and her now fiance are temporarily off again. They have been having this on and off relationship for the longest.

"You and Leon can't keep going back and forth like this. I mean... You've been together for the longest, you get along just fine until you address your feelings for each other. Then you're back to square one! You can't stay away from each other yet you just can't stay toge-"

"He's a gang leader" she blurts out, cutting me off.
"Huh!?!" I ask confused.

"Did you just say GANG?-"

"SHHHHHHH!" She cuts me off again.

"Don't make a scene!" She scolds "I'll explain everything later and in a more private meeting place." She explains.

The rest the day goes by in the blink of an eye. Before I know it, I'm in the kitchen sharing a cup of tea (yeah that's our thing) with Jenny and Flo.

"Miss Bianca if I was you I would burn him alive!" Jenny says taking a sip.

"Oh that's too lenient a punishment." Flo pipes in.

"I know what's happening, I've noticed it for a while but I just haven't caught him red handed. The b@stard is playing his cards right." I scoff in anger.

Just then my phone buzzes, as the screen flashes I see Laurel's name and caller image on the screen. I excuse myself to take the call, assuming she's calling me about Leon.

My heart freezes mid beat as I hear uncontrolled sobbing on the other end of the line. I hear Leon take the phone from her attempting to comfort her.

"Hey Bianca! We've just received news that Mom has suffered a stroke and is in critical condition as we speak. Laural and I just got to the hospital." He explains.

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