Chapter 1

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I sat silently near the window in the school bus. Rain drops pouring over the glass. I stared into nothingness. Today might be the saddest day of my life. Because today I might die. I say so because I know it.

You'd be wondering how do I know, well it's kind of complicated, but in short I have future sight. Again, you might wonder if I know the future, can I not change it or make it not happen? Well, to answer that question. Yes, I have. I know how to stop it but still, I'm not sure if I can do that. Because remembering more than 478 billion alternate events is practically impossible. 

Cause of my death? Ermm… how do I put it? Intergalactic alien? Does that sound weird? Of course it does. Not everyday you see someone being killed by an alien. I'm a rare case. 

"Hey, it's going to be fine… relax and think it through." I heard from the person sitting beside me. He might be my best friend and one of the only two people who know I'm probably gonna die today. 

"Easier said than done. No matter how hard I try I can't seem to recall all the happenings." I muttered. I felt a hand stroking my back. "Keep it together dude. You gotta do this for you, for me, for Her, for your family, and for all of us." I turned to look at that boy and he replied with an encouraging smile. I returned a fake version of it back.

Turning back to the scenery outside, I sighed deeply. 'This is going to be hard.' 

We reached school, about twenty minutes before the assembly. Enough for me to say goodbye to my best friend and my girlfriend, properly.

As soon as I got off the bus I spotted a beautiful girl waiting for me, near the entrance to the building. As soon as her eyes locked on me, her smile widened and she came running to me. I embraced her tightly in a loving hug, because this might be the only last time I meet her. 

"All set?" 

"Not sure about that." 

"You're gonna be just fine, I know it!" 

"I wish I could say the same for myself." 

"Stop whining, if you end up dead today. I'm gonna kill you, remember that." 

"I don't really want to die twice so I'll better try not to die." 


"I would really love to see you both talk so lovey dovey, but I'm sorry, we've got bigger problems today."  I just shrugged at his comment.

Breathing heavily, I turned towards the building. "Shall we get in the game?"

"We shall."

"Remember, you can't replay this one."

I grabbed her hand in mine and we both walked towards the last place I'd see today.

My friend left for his own classroom and my girlfriend accompanied me to mine. She gave me a goodluck kiss before leaving.

"Please be back, for me."

"I'll try my best to get back, just for you."

"I love you!"

"Love you too." 

Then she walked away to her class. I watched her until she got mixed in the crowd of students. Then walked in my own class.

I slid my bag on my seat and slumped down. My classmates joined me in some conversation I ignored most of. They were oblivious about today's events. I would just reply with a smile or humming occasionally.

The classes were about to start when we heard the intercom, “Dear Students, this is your principal speaking, I have very important news for all of you. There was a sudden order from the government to shut down everything and stay where you are, so we are going to the underground hall for safety, please don’t make a commotion and quietly move towards the hall. Thank you.” The students started chattering about the announcement as everyone started to move.

Me? You guessed it, it was something I was here for today. As if on cue, a strong lightning struck near our location. Everything went white for a split second, followed by a deafening thunder. 

There was a turbulence on the ground a bit similar to a quake but nothing stronger. But what happened next was out of the book.

The clouds above the building started to scatter, and as they did, they revealed something bright. Something that looked like a fire burning below some kind of spaceship. Everyone's attention moved on to it.

The ship was flying right over our city as it moved in a certain direction. While everyone was focused on the ship, I made my way towards an empty room to escape, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before opening them, the color of my eyes had turned from dark hazel to a glowing neon blue. I turned towards the window and ran ahead, blowing up the wall I blasted off towards the sky following the space ship.

I'm sure people were watching me and were curious how I came out of the school, but I could care less right now. Something that looked like some kind of weapon emerged at the ship surface, and soon there was a barrage of blasting fire aimed at me. It headed towards me really fast before I could even dodge them.

But wait. Perhaps you wouldn't want your story to start from the death of the superhero, right? 

Yeah, so y'know what? I'll tell you about it later. First let's start from the beginning. From when I got my powers.


Hello readers, I hope you liked the new end of the start. I have decided I will keep this story updated on fortnight basis, though sometimes it might be late but I'll try my best to keep ut on time.

The illustration above is drawn by me but it's not my own artwork.

Stay tuned to know what happens next in our hero's life.

Stay happy, stay safe..
Love you all.
Good bye.

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