Chapter 3

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I found myself in a blank space, there was no light, no sound, no trace of life, nothing. I tried to call for someone but my voice dispersed in the void. I frantically looked around but saw nothing but darkness. It was like I was trapped. I wasn't standing on anything, just floating in the middle of nowhere.

I sighed and had lost all hope when I heard a deep beep sound. I perked up my head and looked around. I caught an eye to a tiny source of light that was far away. Then there was another beep and the light grew bigger. The beeping increased as the light grew more and more.

Then there was another sound, a voice, a femenine one. I couldn't make it but it sounded worried. She was calling for someone, the voice became more clear, "quick we need to take him to the ET!" The ET?… Were they talking about me? Well I'm in a … uhhh dark void so maybe I was about to die, but then again I wouldn't be blabbering to myself. 

I was distracted from my thoughts when I felt a weird energy near me. It felt like I was being energized. Then it all happened so quick. The light around me brightened and it felt like I was going to explode. And when the brightness was at peak. I woke up with a start.

I took in the surroundings and from the looks of it, I think I was indeed in an emergency room. But, it didn't seem like the usual rooms, I mean the equipment was thrown here and there and the people there were scattered on the floor. I was on the bed upright and everything around me was knocked down.

I looked down at my hand and stared at the Sparks shooting out from my fingers, I stared at it confused. Soon it stopped and the people got up from the floor. "What was that?" "I don't know, I think the CPR is broken" "it just exploded when I pressed it." "Seems like it" they turned their eyes at me and rushed quickly.

"Are you alright son?" The man asked me, I thought for a moment before replying, "ye-yeah I'm fine…" "that's good.." he sighed, "It's good, his heart rate is stable, and the blood pressure is also even, no sweating means he is doing mentally well, and his behavior is also normal. That's great news." "How do you feel from the inside?" "I uhh, a little heavy but I feel fine." "That's pretty normal, you just woke up from a long slumber."

Slumber? So I was unconscious? How long? But why was I unconscious? I tried to run my memory engine and tried to memorize the past events, but it just hurts my brain, so I just stopped it for the time being.

The doctors walked out of the room leaving me with a nurse who was tending me, she brought me water to drink. Which helped me to cool down much. After a few moments two men came in with a wheelchair and helped me onto it, I was taken out to another room where my parents were already waiting for me. As soon as they saw me, they shot up from their chairs and came to me.

“Danny! Are you okay?” “Yeah, I feel better now mom, dad.” “I’m so glad you’re okay, I was so worried!” “Matt told us everything that happened, you did a very good thing but you should be more careful.” “Well, I don’t really remember what happened…” They both looked at me with concern, then looked at the men who brought me here. “What happened? Why doesn’t he remember his memories?” “Ma’am everything is fine, he has just woke up from an unconscious state, the doctor said that he will eventually remember everything once he gets some rest, but if it still doesn’t work then we’ll have to do some tests, but it's all fine.” “Oh, okay thank you.”

The men helped me get on the bed before leaving the chair at the corner and leaving. The room was fairly nice, not too big but enough for five people to visit the patient. The color was also light blue which felt really comfortable to my eyes. My parents were seated near my bed, talking to me how I felt, They told me how Matt had helped me, and called the ambulance and them, he even took me here on his own, as it was not possible for my dad to come on time, he filled in the patient information on my parents behalf and got me to safety. I was really glad he did that for me.

The day was already over and the visiting hours were closed as well, but they let my parents stay a little longer as i had just recovered. Though they didn’t stay longer as I was required to get rest too. The nurse came in to tend me as my parents walked out of my room, mom giving a sweet kiss on my forehead.

“Goodnight Danny” “Goodnight mom, good night dad. I love you.” “we love you too.” and they went out, I wasn’t paying attention when i suddenly felt a slight sting in my left arm. I flinched and looked at the nurse that was bandaging my arm. She looked at me apologetically, before turning back to my arm, wrapping it carefully, it did feel painful, but I didn’t move much.

After she was done on my arm she moved onto my face, I sat back with my eyes closed as she wiped my face with a clean towel before, treating the cuts. I kept my eyes closed but I could sense her hand trembling a little. “You’re shaking..” I spoke, making the nurse jerk back, I slowly opened my eyes to look and found her, looking at me nervously. “I’m sorry…” She said in a timid voice.

“It’s fine. You can relax..” I said softly, I could see how nervous she was. I closed my eyes again and sat quietly as she started to treat my cuts again. After she was done, she backed away, “It’s done.” she said softly but in a better tone. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at her. “Thanks.” I said slowly. “No problem, It’s my duty.” she replied. She set up the table for me and gave me my supper, before walking out.

I ate my food and went to the washroom, which was no problem as I had recovered enough to walk on my own, then got settled on my bed and tried to sleep. Though no later I heard the door open, “Oh you’re asleep already…” I was still awake but didn’t move because I was tired and if I moved then I’ll be less sleepy. I heard her as she tip-toed and cleaned up the table and took everything out after closing the lights. Soon, I found myself asleep too.

To be continued...

Hey guys, so got this story done on time. Next week I'll be updating PA. Stay tuned for the adventure that awaits them.

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See ya.

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