Chapter 5

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“Da... y, wa… up.” A soft voice rang in my head as I was slowly woken up from my slumber. I shifted in my sleep as I tried to ignore it and continue to sleep.

“Danny!” I heard the voice again, this time it got even clearer. I groggily opened my eyes, and let the light enter them.

“Wake up, it’s time for your medicines.” I groaned as I turned around my back to see Stella standing beside my bed with a breakfast tray. 

“Good Morning. I’ve got your breakfast. Eat up so I can give you your meds.” She spoke. She seemed to be in a hurry. I slowly sat up as she put the tray on the stool beside my bed, before walking to the window to open the curtains. I stretched my arms to get a bit warmed up, my eyes briskly glancing at the clock, to see the time.


That’s earlier than usual, but then my eyes stopped at the date, and it felt like time stopped for me. 15th September. And all at once I recalled the vision from my dream. All the events I saw happening in my dream. I recalled it all. And the most important one that I saw at last. 

I looked around me, my position, the breakfast tray, Stella, the window and… the curtain rod. Right at that moment Stella pulled aside the curtain and I watched it in slow motion as the rod cracked from its socket and started to fall down. Everything around me seemed to have been slowed down by several times the normal speed. I pushed away the covers and dashed towards her, the rod didn’t fall much before I reached there and caught it.

Just as all this happened everything came back to its original speed and Stella Jumped back with a shriek, as I stood in front of her holding the end of the rod that almost fell on her.

“Danny.. What just happened?!” she asked with shock and confusion, and to be perfectly honest, I don’t know that either. “Uhh .. I don’t know. I saw this rod was about to fall on you so I rushed here.” I replied with a confused expression.

She took a few steps back and looked back at my bed, then back at me. “I can see that but you got here so quick. It didn’t even take you a second to reach here.” She spoke with utter surprise, as she continued to glance between me and the bed. I put the rod down near the window, and turned to her. 

“Honestly, I have trouble understanding this as well. It felt unreal to me. But then it happened and everything happened so fast I couldn’t take it.” I said as I walked to my bed. Stella looked at me with concern. 

“What do you mean?” She spoke softly. 

“I had a weird dream. There were several visions that I saw and one of them showed me this. I thought it was just a dream but then the events I saw in my dream matched perfectly with reality and then the same accident happened in reality too. The weirdest thing is, in all of those visions, I had some superpower and I saved other people. I don’t know what is happening and this is all making me confused.” I told her as she listened to me silently. I don’t expect her to believe me, as she barely knows me and this is all so fictitious. 

“Listen, you don’t worry about it at all. Take rest while I’m gone. I’ll bring your friend along. So we can talk about it. I suppose he can understand you better than anyone.” She said with assurance and it calmed me down a little.

“Thanks.” I smiled at her which she returned with a slight blush. 

“Now eat your breakfast so I can give you your meds. I need to reach school a little early today.” she said, bringing the breakfast tray to me. I ate it while she prepared the medicine. After giving me the dose she went to school.

In the meantime I took some rest laying on my bed and watching TV. But my mind couldn’t stop thinking about the dream. Everything was so unreal but felt very real. And what was it that happened in the morning? Was it my imagination? But that can’t be, Stella saw it too. 

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