Chapter 14...

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I was up pretty early the next day not having slept much. My mind raced back and forth about everything, replaying what happened earlier with Hunter. Laying there staring up at the ceiling I had to almost pinch myself to make sure I didn't make up last night.

It was so surreal seeing Hunter again. It was a bit surprising that I haven't run into him in the past five years. With him playing for the Patriots the stadium was literally half an hour from my apartment. It was a pretty good chance of me running into him but I haven't until now.

However I have seen him plenty of times on TV. It was probably some sort of self-punishing but once in a while I would watch his games or his interviews, slightly keeping up to date on his career.

It wasn't healthy but when he started in his very first game, maybe 8 months after we broke up, I sat with my mom on the couch and watched him play. The entire time my stomach was in my throat seeing him get hit then get right back up for the next play. I watched his first five games before more pressing matters came. In a way it was a way to cope after losing him. Like what I had done was for the better. It didn't feel like it but it was enough to get me through each day.

Now here I am getting ready to meet him for coffee. Crazy how we've almost come full circle. I was beyond nervous for today. I had no clue what was going to happen but along with the nerves was excitement. A sort of giddiness that was creeping its way into my system as I got ready.

I even took extra time in picking out my outfit and making sure my hair and makeup looked good. After last nights outfit I really had to up my game a bit. Just remembering how his eyes looked me up and down sent a tingle through me.

I toned it down from last night and instead stuck with a cute pair of light blue jeans and cute yet simple sweater, paired with some converse. Of course the look took me about four outfit changes before I finally settled on it. Hunter has already seen me dressed up and dressed down so I didn't really need to dress to impress. I still wanted to look good though and hoped I didn't look too casual. 

When it finally became time to drive to the coffee shop ten minutes from my house I started to slightly freak out

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When it finally became time to drive to the coffee shop ten minutes from my house I started to slightly freak out. Hannah wasn't here to give me a pep talk so I tried to give myself one.

"It's going to be okay Mia. You guys are just going to talk and catch up a bit more. Just see where it goes and don't over think. Go with the flow." I told myself in the mirror. All of that was easier said than done but after taking a few deep breathes I was ready to go.

This is just Hunter we are talking about, there was no need to be nervous. Just the fact that you were madly in love with him and broke his heart and now he's back. My inner voice spoke up. I frowned pushing it away. I wasn't going to think about any of that right now.

Making sure I had everything I needed I said a quick bye to Milo before heading for my car. The entire drive I forced myself to hum to the road to get my mind off of things. I was silently hoping Hunter was freaking out just as much as I was right now.

Pulling into the parking lot of a cute little cafe ten minutes later I gripped the steering wheel. Well its now or never. With one last deep breath I grabbed my bag and got out of the car. With each step towards the door my heart raced faster. I had a slight fear that he wouldn't show, making me sit here waiting for a no show.

But as soon as I walked through the doors and looked around the cafe and saw Hunter already seated waiting for me, my fears ebbed away. He glanced up a second later, his eyes instantly locking onto mine. Relief and what looked like happiness appeared on his face at the sight of me.

I weaved my way through the full tables and seats to get to him. The smell of coffee and bread hitting me smack in the face and making my mouth water. I was in dire need of some coffee and breakfast. Before I reached him he quickly stood up.

"You made it." He breathed.

"I hope I'm not late." I had made sure I left earlier enough to be here before 10 but maybe my clock was wrong.

"You're right on time." My eyes unconsciously looked him up and down. My mouth dried at the sight before me. Even in dressed in a pair of black jeans, black t-shirt, paired with a beige jacket he looked sexy. It was such a simple outfit yet Hunter pulled it off nicely. 

Quickly diverting my eyes I slid past him to the empty chair

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Quickly diverting my eyes I slid past him to the empty chair. Once I sat down I noticed there already were two coffee cups at the table. I looked up at Hunter in surprise.

"You still like hazelnut lattes right?" He took a seat next to me, his chair perfectly close yet far enough away it didn't feel crowded.

"I do. Thank you." I tried to hide my shock at the fact that he still remembered how I liked my coffee. I eagerly grabbed the cup and brought it up to my lips. It was still hot too.

As soon as I took my first sip I moaned. It was absolutely delicious and everything I needed. With no sleep I need some caffeine and I was a slight coffee addict.

"This is so good." I said once I had a few sips in my system.

"This place makes really good coffee and blueberry lemon muffins." My mouth watered as he spoke. Almost as if on cue a waitress suddenly appeared, carrying two huge muffins on plates.

"Here you guys go." She sent us a smile before fleeting off. I looked at Hunter with a raised eyebrow.

"I figured you'd be hungry." He shrugged like what he did wasn't the sweetest gesture.

"I...thank you." It was the kindest gesture anyone has done for me in years. I reached for a muffin that was probably one of the biggest and tastes looking muffins I've ever seen. I could feel Hunter watching me as I took a huge bite not even caring what I looked like. I hummed closing my eyes and wiggled in my seat at the taste. Soo good. When I reopened my eyes and looked over at Hunter I found him already staring at me. Getting caught staring he quickly looked away and grabbed his coffee.

Maybe I wasn't the only one that was feeling something.

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