Bonus Chapter 5....

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This is the LAST bonus chapter! Make sure to read the last two BEFORE you read this one. If not you will be a bit confused. 

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"Make sure to tell her the dress will be ready in a week. She'll have plenty of time to try it and make any more adjustments before her big day." I spoke loudly into the speaker phone as I placed another pin in the dress in front of me. Grabbing another piece of fabric I placed it where I wanted it to go, holding multiple pins between my teeth.

"How is Hannah's coming." Rina asked.

"I'm almost finished with it." I spoke around the pins.

"Mia are you still working? Don't you have a date to get ready for?" Rina questioned through the phone.

"I wanted to add one more piece, I'm practically ready."

"You work too much Mia." Rina sighed.

"Once this dress is done I promise I'll take a few days off." She wasn't wrong. For the past four months I have been working non-stop on this wedding dress and I only had about a week to go before it was finished.

"You better. I'll go ahead and call Ms. Anderson to let her know. Anything else you need?"

"I think I'm good. Thanks for closing the store for me tonight Rina."

"No problem. Oh Ben is calling me, I'll text you later." After a quick bye the line went silent. I focused on the last piece of fabric I had in my hand, pining it so I could sow it on tomorrow.

Once I was happy with what I had done I leaned back in my chair. Groaning under my breath I rolled my neck trying to get the tension out of it. These past four months have been exhausting. While it was a dream come true designing a wedding dress it's been a lot of work. More work than I anticipated when I said I would do this.

While it was exhausting and stressful I loved it. I loved finally being able to do what I've always loved. After losing my mom I couldn't bring myself to pick up a piece of paper to design anything. That dream of making my own fashion line was put away in a box in the corner. It just wasn't a possibility.

Now six years after my mom's passing and giving up on that dream it was finally becoming a reality.

What got me trying again was Hannah and her wedding. Literally a week after she got engaged she started looking at dresses at the shop. We must have gone through twenty or more dresses trying to find the one.

One night I was sitting on the couch scrolling through Pinterest when I suddenly just got an idea. For the first time in 6 years I grabbed a piece of paper and started designing a dress. More specifically my best friends wedding dress.

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