Chapter 16...

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After our slightly intense talk about my mom we turned to lighter conversation. Pretty much just talking about things that have happened in the past five years. I talked about how I enjoyed running my mom's bridal shop, adding in funny mother/mother-in-law stories, and how I came to become friends with Hannah.

Hunter talked about how intense football training was compared to college and how he threw up everyday for a good week when he got drafted, the workouts being that intense. He talked about how he had to prove himself to each of the 'senior' players. When he said how proud his parents were and how they always came to his games, I tried my absolute best to not grimace. It seemed he had absolutely no idea about what went down with his parents and I.

It was just nice sitting there chatting and learning how his life turned out since I last saw him. Compared to him my life was severely boring but he still listened intently, never interrupting. It felt like no time had passed between us.

A good hour and a half passed with us talking. My coffee and muffin were long gone but I was in no rush to leave. Just being around him made me feel....whole again. Like a piece of me that was missing was finally back in place. It was scary how easily it was to fall back into things with Hunter. But for the life of me I didn't want to stop it.

My phone started buzzing and for the first time since I sat down I picked it up. It was finally Hannah texting me saying she was still with Ryan. I grinned knowing I was right in not seeing her all weekend.

I sent her a quick text telling her to be safe and I'd see her later. I went to put my phone back down only to have her reply.

H: what are doing?

M: I'm just getting some coffee. I replied vaguely, hoping she would let it be but of course not.

H: You don't get coffee alone...who are you with? Biting my bottom lip I glanced over at Hunter. He was on his phone as well.


I knew if she was here right now she'd be wide eyed and probably smacking my arm.

H: I better get all the details later. I knew full well she would hound me when she got home about what is going on with Hunter. As far as she knows he's the guy that broke my heart.

I didn't bother replying and set my phone down. As soon as I sat it down Hunter placed his on his lap, turning his attention to me. He had a weird look on as his face and leaned forward.

"I want to show you something." His response surprised me.

"Right now?"

"Right now." He nodded. His eyes twinkled as he waited for my response. The smile that spread across his face was enough to knock the air out of my lungs. It was that smile right there that made me fall in love with him. It was the smile I wished to see each morning for the past five years.

"Okay." I agreed without hesitation. Somehow his smile got wider as he stood, gesturing for me to get up. I chuckled at how impatient he was. Grabbing my phone and bag I stood up. With a hand on my lower back he ushered me out of the cafe and into the parking lot.

"What about my car?" I asked as he steered us in the opposite direction.

"We'll get it later." He waved me off. He took his keys out and it took me a moment to notice the super nice car parked in front of us. Hunter moved to the passenger side and opened the door to the sleek black Audi. My eyebrows raised at the expensive car. Of course he drove something so nice. He made millions of dollars each year.

"Definitely an upgrade from your beat up ford truck." I commented before sliding in the passenger seat. The expensive leather seemed to form to my body and I immediately deemed it a thousand times better than my old Hyundai.

"It still runs too. Dylan actually drives it now." He said once he got in the drivers seat. I smiled at the mention of his younger brother.

"How is Dylan doing?" I asked. His younger brother was an almost exact replica of Hunter. Even at 13 he was a flirt, yes a flirt. Whenever I came around he would try these horrible pick up lines on me but all they did was make me laugh. He use to kid that one day he would be the one to marry me, not Hunter.

"Good. He just got accepted into University of Florida." Hunter said proudly.

"Florida wow." I breathed. "It's hard to imagine him as a grown up and going to college. It was just yesterday he was middle school." I shook my head.

"It's weird seeing him as an 18 year old who can make his own decisions." So crazy.

"How about Haley? What has she been up to?" I asked about his other younger sibling. If it was weird hearing about Dylan being 18, Haley was going to be weirder. I knew her as an 17 year old and she was now 22.

"She's doing good. Just graduated Penn State and now going into a nursing program." It felt like yesterday she got into Penn State now she's graduated.


"It is. Makes me feel so old." He grunted.

"Cause you are old." I laughed, leaning my head back on the head rest.

"I'm not old." He defended sending me an appalled look.

"Hate to break it to you but 27 is old."

"You're 26." He deadpanned.

"But with the heart of an 8 year old. So I'm technically a kid." I joked.

"Yeah right. If anything you are an 80 year old trapped in a 26 year old body."


"What? You act like your 80 sometimes."

"Do not."

"Do too. I bet your still in bed by 9:30 the latest." Damn, maybe he was right. "Told ya."

"Yeah, suck." I shot lamely shot back. He laughed at my comeback.

"Good one." I huffed, crossing my arms across my chest. Why was he always right? "No more pouting, we are here."

He pulled up to a security house thing. He only had to roll his window down and wave at the guard and the gate opened in front of us. Not even a second later my jaw dropped at the sight before me.

We were at none other than the New England Patriot's Stadium.

We were at none other than the New England Patriot's Stadium

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