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Ariella woke up to the sound of rain tapping on her window. She groaned, still feeling absolutely exhausted. Despite this, she dragged herself out of her bed and went down the trapdoor to take a shower in the shared bathroom that everyone had in teh room. Afterwards, she went back up to her room and after a few minutes of walking through her closet to look for something decent, she wore a turtleneck sweater that Mrs Weasley had kindly knitted for her and a pair of denim blue skinny jeans. She looked for a coat and found a brown one with fur lining the inside of the coat. Ariella carefully hid her wand in the waistband of her jeans and then grabbed a pair of brown boots with fur lining the inside as well. After checking her outfit in the mirror, Ariella went to her dresser and placed lip tint to her lips, just enough to give it a rosy color.

Ariella descended the stairs and quickly asked her father a question. "Hey, Dad? Remember the car that was on it's way here a few months ago? Do you still have it? I remember sending it to you through car transport."

Charlie nodded. "Its in the back. Be careful when driving, you understand?"

"Yes, Dad." Ariella said then rushed out of their house. She sighed in relief when she saw her Veneno, it was technically her baby. The brunette witch quickly then entered the driver's seat. She drove to Forks High School, earning many stared from the students. Like, who wouldn't? With her driving coolly, whispers echoed around the parking lot.

"Look, isn't she that new transferee from Scotland?" . . . "I heard she's Isabella Swan's sister."

Ariella ignored everything they said and parked next to a silver Volvo. She stepped out and grabbed her white bag. Making sure that her wand was still intact, she walked through the doors of Forks High School and looked for the office. After asking questions and dazzling a few students, Ariella finally found the small dingy office. She saw Mrs Cope and smiled at her brightly.

"Good morning, Mrs Cope." Ariella said, her British accent sticking to her words.

Mrs Cope looked up and smiled brightly at the young woman as well. "Good morning, dear. How can I help you?"

"Well, I'm a transferee from Scotland and I'm here to get my schedule." Ariella said, fiddling with her thumbs a bit. Mrs Cope smiled at her, then got set to printing out her schedule. After, Mrs Cope handed it to her, along with a slip and 2 pieces of paper.

"Well, dear, here's your schedule, your locker number and combination." Mrs Cope pointed out the papers as she talked. "You let your teachers sign this slip. You may give this to me at the end of the day."

Arielle bid the woman goodbye then set off to her first subject, which was AP Calculus. Of course, Ariella already knew everything about the subject, they had already covered it in Arithmancy in Hogwarts. And she may or may not have asked Hermione to teach her more about muggle maths, especially when Hermione mentioned that despite the fact she found it hard, she still enjoyed Maths. When Ariella had finished her lessons from Hermione, the first question she asked was, 'How the bloody hell do you find this interesting?'

She entered the classroom, and found a few people in it. From the looks of it, she had arrived early. She shrugged and sat down on a seat near the front row. Unlike a few people, Ariella actually enjoyed learning, and often likes to answer the teachers questions. Because of this, she was often labelled as a teachers pet. In Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy often ridiculed her for being such a 'suck-up to the teachers'. Ariella often scoffed at his words and disregarded them. Secretly, she would prank Malfoy in the night whenever he would insult her, and she never got caught. She knew the castle of Hogwarts like the back of her hand, and she likes to wander around the castle during night. Ariella for lost in her thoughts and did not notice that the class had already begun. Knowing she was distracted, the teacher called on Ariella.

"Miss Swan, tell me if this statement is correct or not." Mr Ambrose's voiced snapped her out of her thoughts. "If f is a function such that lim f(x) as x = a does not exist then f is not continuous."

Joke's on him, Hermione had tested Ariella on even harder questions.

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