Chapter 8

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"So let me get this straight." Ariella talked slowly, trying to process the words she received from the husband and wife. "Harry apparently used the Patronus Charm in front of a muggle to save his life, he got expelled from Hogwarts, got a proper trial, and now a bitch from the Ministry is invading Hogwarts."

"Well, yes." Molly sighed. She rubbed her temples and Arthur hugged her comfortingly. "Sirius is currently in Grimmauld. Would you like to visit him, Ariella?"

Ariella shook her head. "Actually, I'm going to Hogwarts to visit Dumbledore. He mentioned something about the need to talk about something important."

"Well, best be going now, my dear." Arthur said, patting her back. Ariella smiled at the husband and wife one more time then went outside to apparate to the gates of Hogwarts. She saw Filch roaming the grounds.

"Expecto Patronum." Ariella chanted, getting her wand out and casting the spell, thinking of her best memory. A silverish image of an eagle came out of her wand. She silently told the eagle to fetch Dumbledore. The eagle bowed and disappeared in a silver mist. Ariella waited patiently, and a few seconds later, the headmaster appeared before her.

"Miss Swan, to what do I owe this pleasure?" Dumbledore asked, smiling at the young woman.

Ariella laughed slightly. "Albus, I get that you're getting old, but you were the one to invite me here, remember?"

A light bulb seemed to appear on Dumbledore's head as he remembered. "Ah, yes. You must forgive me. I am but a man who is getting old."

A small smile graced Ariella's features. The kind old headmaster and the graduated student of Hogwarts entered the castle. Dumbledore led the way to his office while Ariella obediently followed him. Unfortunately, a woman in a pink coat interrupted their nice walk.

"Oh? And who is this?" the sickly sweet voice of Dolores Umbridge travelled from one end of a corridor to another. "Albus, I never knew you were one to play favorites. Tut, Tut."

Ariella gritted her teeth slightly in annoyance. It was clear like daylight to her. Whatever problem that Hogwarts has, she was the cause of it all. Instead of showing his anger, Dumbledore smiled at the Ministry bitch. "You know as well as I that I do not play favorites, Dolores. I am simply welcoming our guest to the castle. You see she graduated as Valedictorian here in Hogwarts, and she is the smartest witch in the century! I would even daresay that she is smarter than I!"

Ariella blushed slightly at his compliments. The pink bitch did nothing but disregard his words. "And is she really that important that you must greet her personally? Hah, I must report this . . . Favoritism to the Minister. Surely, he will not be happy."

"I am sure that the Minister will do nothing to me, Dolores." Ariella said her name with contempt. "After all, what is he to do with the one and only Potions Mistress of this school?"

At the surprised look on Dolores' face, Ariella smiled apologetically to the kind headmaster. "I can already see that I have overstayed my welcome. Albus, shall anything happen, you know where to find me."

Dumbledore nodded and after one last glare towards the pink bitch, Ariella spun and apparated out of the castle.

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