Chapter 46

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Something was wrong with Ariella. Jasper doesn't know exactly how he knows, nor does he know what happened to his mate. But he does know that the female isn't doing well.

But to be quite frank, neither is he.

He felt so guilty, and so terribly sorry. Jasper's already pale face became even paler when he remembered that  Ariella is Bella's sister. Twin sister, at that.

Yeah, the southerner was definitely screwed.


Ariella's eyes widened when she saw the Chosen One writhing on the floor, obviously in pain. The vampire hybrid didn't even hesitate to use her enhanced speed to get across the room and drop down beside him, placing his head on her lap.

"Harry? Harry, I know you're still there." She muttered, quietly as if she was whispering the words to Harry and Harry only.

Dumbledore stared at the woman and the young boy laying down on the floor in pity. Ariella continued her soft whispers to the boy, "Harry, I know you, and I know you won't give up that easily. Come on, Potter, I know you have it in you."

"Your foolish whisperings do nothing."

It was clear that Voldemort was in current control of Harry's body, something that irked Ariella a lot. But she can see it, she can see that even little by little the Potter boy is fighting against the evil soul of Voldemort.

Slowly, the other members and the other people who fought in the Department of Mysteries came out as well, and gasped in borrow ar the sight of Harry and Ariella.

"You know, Tom," Harry said. "You're wrong. In my life I've experienced a lot of things because of you, and they aren't necessarily nice things either. But on the journey, I found so many wonderful things. Friendship, loyalty . . . love. And I pity you. Because you're never going to be able to feel that."

Ariella smiled. "I knew you would fight, Potter. You always have."


"I know it hasn't been that long since I left, but I have other duties outside of Hogwarts now." Ariella explained to them.

She had a smile on her face, but it was clear to the trio and to everyone that had been in the Department of Mysteries fight that Ariella had lost something that night. And a small part of her vanished and died along with Sirius.

Her eyes showed no emotion, and her smiles no longer reached them. Ariella's once radiant face became paler than usual, and her golden amber eyes turned a dark brown from her lack of feeding.

"We understand, Ariella." Hermione murmured. "We just can't help but think how everything wod have been slightly easier if you were here with us. And now that the world knows that Voldemort is back . . . I don't even know a anymore."

"Things might seem difficult right now - no, things are difficult right now, and heaven only knows if this is going to get even more difficult, but I know that fate wi pull through." Ariella said, oalcing a hand on Hermione's shoulder.

"Harry," Ariella turned to him, her face sympathetic. "Do write to me? I want to know what's happening. There might be more Death Eater attacks now that they've been outed so you all best be careful, do you hear me?"

"We will, Ariella." Ron reassured her.

"Well then, 'til we meet again." Ariella flashed them a small smile before apparating away.


[ Okay I kinda need your help. See, I'm kind of confused. I could continue the story here, or I can make another book as a continuation to this one.

Either way, the plot of the next chapters would be New Moon and Half Blood Prince mixed together.

So which one? ]

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