"I'm not going to hurt her."

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I'm sitting on the couch texting Lilly. Mason said he was coming over with Angie and Oli and we're going to watch a movie.

Lily : Nutty U really seem 2 like him.

Maya : Yes but it's like I said, things are complicated between us.

Lily : How?

Maya : It's like we come from two different worlds. I'm not sure if I could ever be a part of his.

Lily : Different worlds? Y don't U think you could be a part of his?

It's scary, dangerous and it goes against my moral beliefs.

Maya : It's just different.

Lily : Different is good Nutty.

Different is good. Mason is a good person but I can't just ignore what he does. I wouldn't be friends with him under different circumstances. I'm certain he would not have even bothered to speak to me after that incident at the park if he didn't have to.

If...when this is all over, will he even still care about me?

I shake away all thoughts and resume my texting.

Maya : It's not always good. Besides, Mason and I aren't compatible. I've seen the kinds of girls he likes and I don't think that's someone I want to be with. He just, he leads a life not very appealing to me.

The doorbell rings.

Maya : Lily, I have to go. I think they're here.

I lock my phone and put it on the couch. I get up and walk over to the door.

"Maya!" Angie runs into my arms as soon as I open the door.

"Hey, angel." I carry her and put her on my hip. "You look so adorable."

"Thank you." She giggles and buries her head in my hair.

She's wearing a yellow dress, grey leggins and white ballet shoes. Her blonde hair is tied into two ponytails.

"We're here too." Oli says, getting into the house.

"Hey." Mason greets with a smile and I return it.

"What movie are we watching?" Oli asks as he sits on the couch adjacent to the TV.

"I was thinking Disney." I close the door and walk over to them.

"Yay!" Angie throws her hands in the air.

"No." Oli groans.

"Disney's cool." Mason shrugs and sits down.

"So we agree." I grin and Oli scowls. "I'll get the snacks. Angie, do you want to come with me?"

She nods and I walk to the kitchen, still balancing her on my hip. When we get to the kitchen, I put her down.

I'm adding fruit to the snacks since I love it and I don't want Angie to eat too many unhealthy things.

I hear my notifications tone and remember I was waiting for texts from Bianca and Shelly.

"Mason, could you please check if that's Shelly or Bianca." I say from the kitchen.

"What's the password?" Mason asks a few seconds later.

"It's...it's Marie Curie."

"Nerd." He chuckles and I roll my eyes.

"Maya, what's a nerd?" Angie asks.

A Kiss for Maya Where stories live. Discover now