Why Can't We Eat Her?

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"Ye can't eat her! We like this human!" Rufus protested, gesturing to the human curled up in Leif's hands.

"Why do we like her?" Atticus questioned.

Kitty just sat—wide eyed—in Leif's hands. Leif was protectively shielding Kitty from Atticus.

"Atticus!" Rufus hissed.

"What?" Atticus challenged.

"Ye can't just ask that. That's rude." Lachlan huffed.

"I didn't mean it like that. I like her too, but do we have a reason for liking her?" Atticus inquired.

"We just do. Ya don't need a reason to like someone." Leif pressed, pulling Kitty a little bit closer to him.

"I get that, but we've come across plenty of humans that we could've liked, but we ate them," Atticus reminded them.

Lachlan threw his hands up. "Cause we're giants, dumbass. We need to eat. Can't just let any pretty, forest creature run free."

"Right, then why didn't we eat Kitty?" Atticus asked again.

"Cause we like her! Friends dun' eat friends!" Rufus said indignantly.

"I get why we're not eating her now. But why didn't we eat her before? We didn't like her immediately." Atticus whipped to Leif. "And quit holding Kitty like I'm gonna eat her!"

"Then quit talking about eatin' her!" Leif snapped, shifting Kitty to his other hand which was farther away from Atticus.

Kitty yelped a little but quickly regained herself.

"Wait. I think I get what Atticus is askin' now." Lachlan paused for a moment and scratched his beard. "Are ye askin' like why we didn't eat her before we started t'like her?"

"Yes! Exactly! What was the defining quality that set Kitty off from the other humans that stopped us from eating her right off the bat?" Atticus asked.

Leif and Rufus paused for a minute and looked at each other.

"I dun' remember," Rufus admitted, "But that doesn't mean ye can ask about eatin' a friend. Look at poor Kit."

Kitty had kinda pressed herself into Leif's body. Her arms were crossed over her chest, and when all eyes landed on her, her eyes went even wider.

"Hi," she squeaked out nervously.

"See? Poor Kit is scared senseless." Rufus pouted.

"She's not scared. Let me have Kitty." Atticus ordered, holding out of his hand.

"No!" Leif snarled, "Ye're gonna eat her."

"I would never eat, Kitty!" Atticus fired back, "I was just asking a question."

"The question still hasn't been answered yet," Lachlan argued, "Technically, there's no reason not to eat, Kit."

"There's no reason to eat Kit!" Rufus wailed.

"Let's just drop this," Atticus suggested.

Rufus sighed. "Thank you."

Leif was now looking away a little distantly. He opened his mouth to speak.

"Don't say it," Rufus muttered.

"I hate to, but...what did stop us from eatin' Kitten?" Leif questioned.

Kitty's eyebrows shot up, and she looked up at the man holding her. 

Atticus nodded. "See what I'm talking about now." 

"It is kinda weird," Lachlan added. 

Rufus quickly snatched Kitty out of Leif's hands. She once again yelped and sat dazed in Rufus' hands for a bit. 

"That's it. Ye've all lost human privileges until ye learn that we dON'T EAT FRIENDS!"

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