8- Domesticated

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I wake up the next morning with sunlight streaming through the window. As much as I like the sun, it's really jarring to wake up that way, at least for me. Getting up, I realize I forgot to close the curtains. Walking over to the window, I take the chance to look outside and admire the scenery. From my window, I can see the treetops from the small forest and what looks like a small pond barely in view. 

Turning back around, I inspect the room. There's no closet, just a small dresser that's revealed to be empty when I open it. The bed is messy, the burgundy covers thrown off from when I got up. The headboard is massive, wood carved with intricate designs extending up at the ceiling. I'm heading towards the small joint bathroom when there's a knock on the door. 

"Maya? Are you awake yet?" Ailbhe's voice echoes. 

"Yeah, I just need to go to the bathroom, hold on!" I call out, entering the bathroom. 

He hums an affirmative and I do my morning routine as best as I can without my usual products. Mostly, I just washed my face and got dressed in my clothes from yesterday. 

When I open the door, Ailbhe is leaning against the wall opposite it, holding what looks like a change of clothes. He extends them to me, smiling. 

"Good morning! Figured you'd want a change of clothes," he says.

"Oh," I blink. "Thank you."

Taking them, I go back inside to change. It's a simple outfit, just a t-shirt and jeans. But the fact that he brought me clothes is one of the most thoughtful things someone has done for me in a while. I stuff my clothes into my bag, trying not to tear up. 

When I come back out again, Ailbhe kicks away from the wall and comes to stand beside me. 

"Want some breakfast?" he asks, his whole stance relaxed and open. It's kind of weird the ease with which he talks to me. But it's incredibly nice. 

"Yeah," I answer. 

"Cool! I was thinking we could get you something to eat in the kitchen and then we can hang out in my office. I have some paperwork to take care of before we leave." he suggests. 

After I agree, we head to the kitchen together. He says something about the nice weather and I agree, but the rest of the way is spent in silence. I get a lot of side looks, but nobody approaches us and for that, I'm thankful. 

On the kitchen counter is a mug of steaming coffee and a plate of toasted bread slices. There's also a bowl of apple slices with cinnamon on the side. Ailbhe informs me that it's for me and, while he retrieves a tray, I stare at my food. This is weird. Right? They shouldn't be so welcoming to me. Are they going to ask for something in return? Bloo-

"Maya, are you okay? Do you not like it?" Ailbhe says from behind me. 

I snap out of it and take the tray he's offering me, placing everything on it. 

"No, everything's fine! Amazing, even!" I respond.

He hums like he doesn't believe me, but leaves it be, taking the tray from me and walking to the office. 

When we get there, he says while placing my food on the coffee table next to the armchairs:

"Make yourself at home!"

He then approaches his desk and sits down. The scene is weirdly domestic. Him working while I eat breakfast, both in friendly silence. The morning sun hits him just right and he almost looks like he's glowing. Dear Lord, this man is too attractive. 

I get up, sipping my coffee mug. He looks up at me but when I say that I only need to stretch my legs, he goes back to his paperwork. 

I wander aimlessly around the room until I catch sight of something glittering in one of the shelves. I approach it and see that it's a hairpin. It's carefully placed in a velvet box and although the rest of the room is a bit messy, this shelf, in particular, is very tidy. It's a beautiful jade stone on a gold fan, with delicate gold pendants. It calls to me, almost begging me to pick it up. 

I reach my hand out and touch it. Immediately, I see a memory. A gentle-faced woman is smiling down at me. I reach my hand out to touch her but my hand is small and my arms are short and I can't reach. I start crying. The woman laughs kind-heartedly and bends down to let me touch her face. I grab her hairpin. It's pretty. It's shiny. I want it. She laughs again and uses her free hand to remove it. She gives it-

"Don't touch that," a cold voice snaps me out of the memory. 

I turn to see Ailbhe staring down at me with icy eyes. He blinks and they're gone, replaced with a shiny smile. 

"I'm done with work! Shall we go meet the Montagues?" he asks.

"Okay," I say, unsure.

We leave the office and head towards another room. What awaits us there are a portal and two other vampires. I look at Ailbhe in question.

"Well, it's not like the head of the Capulets can go into enemy territory alone!" he says cheerfully. "This is Clark and Maria! Guys, say hi to Maya!" 

They both wave and give me polite smiles. I wave back. At least they're nice and not giving me mean looks. I'd be so pissed if I had to deal with that all day.

Ailbhe claps his hands and says:

"Okay, off to create an alliance!" 

Everyone steps through the portal one at a time, Clark first and Maria last. We come out on the other side surrounded by trees. Looks like this portal connects to the forest around the pack grounds. I take the time to appreciate the tall trees and pure air. 

"Let's go!"


And I did it! ONC Round 2 here we come! Let me know what you think of this chapter! 

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