9- Dead Heat

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This time, although we didn't have a guide, Ailbhe and the others seem to know exactly where to go. We weave our way through tall pine trees, not following a path, just stumbling over tree roots. Well, I'm stumbling- they look like they're gliding. After I stumble again, Ailbhe turns to look at me and chuckles. Wordlessly, he offers me his arm and I take it willingly. He has strong arms, lean but laced with muscle. He's not warm but he's not exactly cold either, it's almost like he's the exact temperature of the forest air. 

With him supporting, we advance much quicker. I examine the scenery as we move past it. The last time I was here, I was so nervous I could barely stop to appreciate it. It's nothing like the forest in Ailbhe's backyard. That one was well-kept, the plants were trimmed, the grass wasn't overgrown, and the flowers were clearly cared for. 

The Montague's territory is a lot more rustic. This forest isn't for decoration or to impress guests. It's their home and although it's not elegant, it's beautiful in its simplicity. There's a whole ecosystem here- the birds sing above and there's a scurry of leaves as small animals scurry by. It just so happens that the apex predators in this area are werewolves. There are signs of them living here: some trees are more banged up than others- scratches, fallen branches, signs of a tussle- and there are small alcoves at the bottom of some of them, filled with a tan messenger bag. 

As we approach the camp, a strained silence fills the forest. The animals have all scampered away and the air is thick with tension. The vampires all bristle, and Clark and Maria move to form a wall in front of us. When we reach it, I understand why. 

In a half-circle at the edge of the camp is what looks to be the entire Montague pack. Gathering from the raised fur and bared teeth, I don't think this is a welcoming party. Maria and Clark rest their hands slowly on a knife holder on their waist, but don't take them out. 

Ailbhe tightens his grip on my arm and raises his voice to say: 

"This isn't very hospitable, Xavier." His voice is serious, but there's a polite smile on his face. 

There's a moment of silence before a large dark brown wolf steps away from his spot at the front of the barricade. It takes a few steps forward before shifting into Xavier. There's an intense frown on his face and his tense posture makes the muscles on his naked chest ripple. 

He spares me a scorn-filled look before directing the full force of his glare to Ailbhe. 

"I knew witches couldn't be trusted," he says, his voice hard. "What are you doing here, vampire?"

He spits the last word out like a curse but Ailbhe doesn't flinch. 

"This cutie here told me you didn't agree to an alliance! Why, Xavier, I thought we were friends!" Ailbhe says sarcastically. 

"I wasn't interested then and I'm not now," Xavier growls. "Leave my territory!"

Something in the mood shifts and suddenly, both Clark and Maria, and the pack are standing at full attention. I don't realize why until Ailbhe twists to look down at me. It's me. I'm unconsciously raising the air pressure in response to my anger. I take my arm from Ailbhe's clutch- registering absently the moon-shaped marks on his forearm- and grasp the amulet at my neck. The pressure in the air decreases as my grip on it tightens. 

"I thought we had an understanding, feisty little witch," Xavier addresses me this time. "I reject your alliance and you go running to another man? I'm hurt."

"I'm just following orders, Xavier. If you'd take your head out of your ass, you'd realize that." I say coldly. There are growls from the wolves behind him but we both ignore them. "And if you would stop being so stubborn, we'd be well on our way to exterminating the demon nest and we could all go back to our normal lives!"

Xavier looks at me with a heated gaze of appreciation and anger. The mix makes my insides warm unexpectedly. Ailbhe tenses up beside me but doesn't move.

"I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, little witch," Xavier says. "But on my terms. You'll stay here so we can negotiate, but your little lackeys have to go."

Clark and Maria bristle. Ailbhe looks at them and says:

"I'm not gonna be left alone in enemy territory just because you're suspicious, Xavier."

"Scared, vampire?" Xavier mocks.

"Scared, werewolf?" Ailbhe parrots. 

They lock eyes in an intense stare contest and the air charges with energy. Hm. This feels like more than just clan rivalry. 

Ailbhe breaks eye contact first to look at me with a warm smile. 

"Guess we're staying here, sweetheart! Do you have to report back to the Council?" he says.

"Yeah, I probably should," I answer. 

Xavier glances at me before turning around to address his pack. I resist the urge to look at his bare bottom. I've been keeping my eyes as far up his body as I can manage, but these werewolves should really put on some clothes after they shift. 

"Okay, guys, you can all shift back. We're going to give the bloodsuckers the benefit of the doubt." Xavier says, and instantly, there are about 100 naked people walking around. 

They all give us the side-eye and I return their gazes with a scowl. Xavier turns to us and gives a head jerk to indicate we should follow him. When passing by an elderly lady coming out of a house, he takes shorts from her and puts them on quickly. 

We follow him to his office, where he sits down at his desk. Suddenly, even though he's half-naked and disgruntled, he looks like every bit the alpha he is. 

"So, want to explain exactly how this alliance would work?"


Sorry for the delay! I was busy procrastinating! Hope you enjoy the chapter!

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