10- Keen-eyed Observations

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Ailbhe and I sit in the chairs opposite Xavier, but Clark and Maria remain standing behind us. I feel their heavy presence hovering over my shoulders and I'm impressed that Xavier just ignores their glowers as if they're nothing but angry chihuahuas. 

They don't seem to appreciate it, but they don't say anything. Ailbhe leans forward in his chair and rests his chin on his folded hands. The posture should make him look casual but it only highlights his strong arms and hard expression. He's wearing his hair down today and it creates a curtain that casts shadows on his face. 

He's regal and imposing at the same time. Although he isn't as well-built as Xavier, his presence is just as large. There's no way to ignore Ailbhe when he's in the same room as you. He commands the space, draws your eyes towards him, and then dazzles you with his smile. I've let my guard down around him, and I'm afraid he's going to take my trust and shatter it in his perfect hands. He looks too perfect- acts too perfect. When his mask slips and he gets angry, or sad, or cold, that's the only time he actually seems real. 

Xavier, on the other hand, is incredibly moody and emotional. He speaks his mind without fear of the repercussions. He's imposing too but doesn't draw your eyes to him. He makes himself known another way. He has a heavy presence- makes himself large so there's no way to forget he's there. But he doesn't want you to look at him. He wants to intimidate you, remind you of his power, of his stature. 

But they're both more similar than they're willing to admit. They're both leaders and obviously care about their kin immensely. From what I've gathered, there's little they wouldn't do to keep them safe and happy. Which is why we're here right now. Xavier realized that, although there are only three vampires in his territory, if he denied us, it could've been a bloodbath. Politics are delicate enough as it is, but when paranormals with big egos are involved, it's like trying to defuse a bomb with oven mitts on. 

I'm still not sure why the Council sent me as a diplomat, and if I think about what they might be planning, I start getting anxious so I try not to do it. But one thing I do know: there's no way these two are going to get along without a bridge between them. And I'm confident enough in my observational skills that I can figure something out. It's not like I have a choice... My life is on the line here. 

"Mr. Montague, Mr. Capulet, let's try to be civil here. I don't know what kind of feud you guys have got going on, but there's no need to cause a war here. We've got our hands full taking care of the demons and we'd really appreciate your assistance," I say, slipping into my business face and polite tone.

"I've given you my answer, and yet you brought him here anyway," Xavier replies, looking at me with a serious face. "This could have easily gone south very quickly but you still did it. Why?"

Ailbhe cuts me off before I can answer.

"I was the one who told her we should come. Like I've said before, Xavier, we have to put our past behind us. This cutie needs our help, and frankly, I don't know about your pack, but the Capulets need a little excitement to reel them in."

Xavier's demeanor turns cold. He leans back in his chair and glares at Ailbhe from behind his curly bangs. 

"I happen to remember it hasn't been that long since your vampires have had a little... excitement," he says. "And it's easy for you to say we should put our past behind us when your father was the one at fault!"

"You're right," Ailbhe says, his face somber. "My father did something unforgivable. And I will spend the rest of my days trying to fix what he broke. I think the first step to that is this alliance."

There's a moment of silence as we all process this. Xavier and Ailbhe both have grim expressions on their beautiful faces. Clark and Maria stay quiet and try to keep their face blank, but their lightly furrowed eyebrows and tapping fingers betray their curiosity. I, on the other hand, have never been so confused in my life. I really wish I'd paid more attention in history class. I'm sure some of it could be helpful now, though I'm pretty sure we didn't learn about the reason for their falling out. 

It's not like knowing The Leech of Gledo is responsible for whatever drove these two powerhouses apart surprises me. But for some reason, I don't think it's as simple as some wrongly-sucked necks. I think there's more to this story than what meets the eye, and I'm sure it's the key to bringing this alliance to fruition. 

"Xavier, Ailbhe, listen," I say, bringing their attention back to me. A casual tone might be more successful than a business one in this case. "You guys don't have to get along and you don't have to forgive whatever happened that sparked this. But, no offense, this is larger than both of you. Larger even than both of your families. If we don't stop the demons, there's no telling what will happen to the country. We need you." 

An odd look falls over their faces and Ailbhe shifts in his chair so he's a bit closer to me. Xavier clears his throat but doesn't speak. Tension grows in the room but it's not threatening. 


"Alpha, there's been an intrusion at the south borders!" A man bursts into the room, filling it with his panicked voice. 

"What is it?" Xavier's voice is urgent. "Todd, who's attacking?"

 Todd barely glances at us, but the suspicion is clear in his look.

"It's the demons, Alpha! The demons are attacking!"


I'm happy to announce that RINASCITA passed round 2 of ONC! Thank you all so much for giving my story a try, I appreciate you all! <3 

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Let me know what you think! 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2020 ⏰

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