Chapter 5

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Girlfriend? What girlfriend ? She couldnt possibly be talking about Evelyn

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Girlfriend? What girlfriend ? She couldnt possibly be talking about Evelyn . Evelyn were just a hookup . She may be of high status like me but we could never be together. Our royal lineages dislike one another and an arranged won't ever fix it . Especially if it's with me .

'What about Evelyn ?'Kai asks .

'What about her.' I say

'Is she not your girlfriend ?' She asks surprised

'No,she just says so that our hookups can be more exclusive.' I say bluntly . I hear Noah and Renea take in a sharp breath and Kai looked disgusted .

'And that's all it is to you. I may not know the the girl and she may not like me but it clear that she likes you ,' Kai says incredulously .

I was left speechless.
I opened my mouth ,'Sh-'

'I'm not done . It's guys like you that make girls insecure and what your doing is so wrong . You know that right ?' She continues . Renea and and Noah immediately leave me to fend for my myself .

'You know she knew that what he have - no , what we had - was just casual and that I didn't like putting a label on things but that doesn't matter now ,' I tried to take her hands but she slaps mine away.

'What do mean ?' She asks sternly

'It means that I-I like-no - not like you . Let me rephrase this , I feel a deep connection to you although we haven't know each other for long . I just feel connected to you in someway and someway . And now that I've seen you I can't let you go .' I say . She looked shocked to say the least .

'I think you should go . I'm just going to lie down ,' She said awkwardly . She's not going to take a nap because she just woke up from one .

Idiot! I kept thinking to myself.
Look what happened when you did this the last , look at Chanel is . And I left the room to her .


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