Gaining Readers

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What is a wattpadder without his/her readers? A lonely, no vote having wattpadder, that's what. So what is this magic formula for gaining fantastical readers?

Have a good book cover. It matters more often than not. It's simple and free to use Canva for your cover needs. It's extremely easy to use. If you can't seem to get the knack of it, or don't want to, there is a Multimedia Designs club where you can ask others to create a dazzling cover for you. (I will have a chapter later on dedicated specifically to covers.)

Have a capturing blurb. Make sure all spelling and grammar is correct, be sure to get your plot and main characters in, and make sure you don't tell too much of the story. (Again, chapter dedicated to this in the future.)

Write well. If you make an effort to minimize mistakes it will show and it will pay off.

Read other people's stories. Don't be a hermit, hiding over in your own little corner of Wattpad. Come see what others have to offer. Comment and vote for stories you like. Add interesting books to your reading lists so you can read them later.

Share your stories in the Share Your [genre] Stories Here threads. This is the only place on Wattpad, besides your author's page, where it's acceptable to promote. Use it.

Be nice. This is important. People love nice people. You don't have to let others walk all over you, mind you, but you can always be polite without being a doormat. handle all situations with class. Remember, your personality sells you as much as your skill.

Update often. This is one I need to work on myself! Readers need new content to keep coming back. Some writers even make schedules so their readers will know when to expect the newest updates (I need to start doing that.)

Now, lets add some don'ts, shall we?

Don't promote your story on someone else's story or message board. I can't say this enough: it is very rude and very disrespectful.

Don't be mean to others. 

Don't ignore your fans. Comment thank you's and reply to questions. Show them they matter. You need them!

And with that, I'd like to add be patient. It takes time. It could take weeks, months, or even a year, but readers will keep piling up. Just keep writing.

Edit: Remember that genre matters, too. Romance and mystery always get more reads than other genres.

Vote if this helped.

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