Bad Title/Good Title

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Quite often I see people asking for title help in the Improve Your Writing club. It's nice to have the readers' opinion when trying to choose between titles. But asking the public to give you a title is a little odd. Asking for a title to your book is like asking for someone to name your child. It's your book after all, you know it better than anyone. You should name it.

Sure, it's a lot of pressure, I'll give you that. A title could quite possibly make or break you. But that's the good thing about Wattpad: everything isn't set in stone. Think of this as a trial run for your book. It's not a solid, dry clump of clay, it's a project in action that can be molded. If you feel your title isn't working, change it.

The titles to veer away from:

•Spoiler titles:

I'm the Only Girl in a Group Home For Boys and One Direction is Here

Okay... And then there's:

Rejected By My Mate But He's Gonna Be Sorry Because I'm gonna Get So Hot, Then I'll Do His Friend Instead

Whoa. Is it just me or is that a mini-blurb instead of a title? Seriously, TMI. I want to be a little surprised when/if I open your story. I don't want to know everything your story has to offer right off the bat. Simplify it. If it's longer than five words, rethink it.

•Confused titles:

Title: Banana Wars

Summary: A tale about love in the Stone Age.

What? Or:

Title: Rainbow Peonies

Summary: a guide to cooking.

What on Earth, pray-tell, connects these stories to their title? Nothing at all! So why do it?

Repeat titles:


Finding _____

_______ Alpha

A copy of a copy. It's safe, but is it interesting? If there are a zillion other books with the same name as yours, why wold yours stand out? It doesn't. The best way to avoid this is by doing a quick search. After choosing your title, search it on google and Wattpad to see if someone already has it. If so, change it or tweak it. Use another word from the thesaurus, add something to it, or change it all together, but search it each time until you're sure your title is original.

Make it relative, a decent length, and original. And remember, it's not set in stone.

Vote if you ever read a story with a spoiler title. Vote and comment if you ever wrote one yourself. 

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