Chapter 36

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Artemis holds her breath as the room goes silent upon their arrival. All eyes fall upon her and her heart accelerates exponentially. Vatalanie also going into a defensive mode as her eyes survey the room. Caspian can feel his soon to be bride's muscles tensing again. He releases his arm from hers before wrapping it securely around her waist bringing her side to connect to him. 

The royals all looking upon the goddess with such bewitching features. Never could they fathom such a rare gem to exist. Her hair shining from the candles. The metal threads woven into a fine braid down the length of her back to her waist line. Her eyes enrapturing anyone who looks upon them. She is truly a work of the gods. As the stories told, there to her side stood a fully grown gray wolf. 

King Casden and Queen Analee step forward to the young couple. The queen embracing her fully making Artemis relax within her hold and release her breath. King Casden looks upon her fondly while his son still stands by her side. The king looks down to Vatalanie giving her a head nod which the wolf returns. The crowd gasping at the interaction. Casden turns around to face everyone. 

"Welcome to our Kingdom" 

A round of claps is heard. Caspian's arm once again ensnaring his beloved's waist. 

"We are please to have you all join us in celebrating the union between our son, Prince Caspian, and Lady Artemis." 

Another round of claps resonates throughout the grand hall. All eyes looking between the young couple. Caspian stands proud next to his blushing queen. The crowd smiling fondly at them while the young beauty stands there fearing their repulsion... not at all recognizing that not one is looking to her like that. 

Caspian guides her slowly around the room to introduce her to all the guest. Artemis remains silent each time... not being able to find her tongue to greet them. The royals look quizzical at her but do not dare to comment on the matter. After meeting a sufficient amount of royals, Caspian begins moving them away so she may have a moment. 

"Artemis, my love, are you well?"

Artemis nods her head but doesn't speak. Caspian sighs knowing how hard this is for her. He pulls her into a firm hug kissing her hairline while allowing her forest scent to envelope him. He inhales deeply and exhales slowly allowing this moment to be theirs. A commotion catches their attention. 

A guard stands holding a young child's wrist firmly. Artemis is quick to react strolling to the quarrel. The young girl's eyes glistening with tears while the guard's grip bruises her. Artemis' presence making both eyes turn to her with Caspian following behind. 

"Guard, what is the issue here?"

The guard bows to the prince twisting the young girl's arm in the process making her whimper. Artemis quickly steps forward yanking the guard's hand free from her before looking to the young girl. She could not be more than 6 years old. Artemis rubs her wrist soothingly as the young girl trembles. Artemis doesn't think twice before pulling her into a hug holding her as she shakes in fear. A few moments pass before she finally ceases her trembles. 

"I ask again, what is the issue?"

"Prince Caspian, this girl was trying to steal from the kitchen." 

At this Artemis swiftly turns to the guard, her anger simmering at the surface. Caspian can see her reaction and takes her hand trying to calm her before turning back to the guard. 

"This is a celebration and EVERYONE is welcome to eat and drink until their heart's content." 

"But sir-"

"We do not treat any child in this manner. This should have been brought to the king and queen's attention. Who gave you the authority to treat our guest in this manner?"

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