Chapter 52

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"Navene, come on!" 

Navene huffs playfully chasing down the halls after the young princess. Her dress fluttering in the wind as her dark curls bounce along. She looks over her shoulder with her chocolate eyes and a happy smile spreading across her lips. The sound of her joyful laughter bouncing off the halls. Navene smiles in return still running after her. A loud thud making him look back as they round a corner. 

Tesara had not been able to stop and her body slammed into a table. Navene chuckled while Tesara shook her head and got back up to chase after them. He turns back to his front seeing the young princess slip out of the backdoor. The evening sun making rays of pink and amber flood the heavens. Giggles bring him back to the present as he follows into the maze to find his best friend. Tesara now at his side while they play the game hide and seek. 

"Come out, come out... where ever you are princess"


Her laughter coming shortly after. Navene chuckles with her glancing around one of the tall bushels. Getting to the center of the maze. He finds her sitting on the bench surrounded by the white snow. Her eyes looking towards the colorful sky. He slowly walks up behind her before grabbing at her shoulders yelling 'gotcha'. The princess didn't seem too surprised and just turned to the young lad with a smile. Taking a seat beside her, they both look back up to the evening sky.

Cassandra basks in the evening as the cold slowly seeps into her cloak. Not caring for the wind, she can't fathom how she has become so blessed. She closes her eyes while sliding one arm through Navene's leaning against his shoulder with a content smile. 

"Thank you Navene." Navene looks down at her. 

"For what princess?"

"For everything..." 

Her words soft as she reflects on the time they have had together. The way they had met when she was in grave danger. How he took her hands gently from behind the tree to bring her out of hiding when she was petrified to move. The way he protected her all these months including standing in front of her when a mad man had approached with his sword pointed towards her. The friendship they have developed along with the sister she had gained and pack of friends she now has. She had never dreamed a simple trip into the village with her brother would have ended with such a new future. 

"Well then I owe a debt of gratitude as well." 

With this, Cassandra lifts her head to look at him. His eyes shining with happiness making her smile as well. 


"For becoming my best friend. For your families welcoming to not only me but Artemis and our ways."

"She is a goddess..."Her words holding pure adoration making Navene chuckle and nod. He remembers when he first watched Artemis perform her abilities, he too was mesmerized. "I still can't believe she ended up with my idiotic brother." 

At this Navene bust out laughing leaning over holding his stomach. Cassandra shakes her head with a look reading her disbelief and Navene finds it endearing. This royal family is nothing like what he believed growing up. They care for others, he has not witnessed them belittling anyone no matter what the rank. The king is fair and courteous in the way he rules his land, his people. 

"You and your family are a rare breed as well." 

"Pray tell"

"You speak to everyone in the same manner. Their does not appear to be a hierarchy within this kingdom."

Cassandra smiles proudly being told this more than once. The villagers telling her family they are proud to remain on this land. Her father chose to rule very differently than most the kings and queens of this time. 

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