Chapter 46

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Twenty four hours have passed with Artemis still asleep. Caspian was extremely worried for his new wife however Navene was adamant that she was okay and that this is normal for her healing. It did not put his mind at ease though... Not until he gets to peer into those metallic pools he has come to love. The doctor attempted again this morning to examine her but the moment he reached for her, the barrier once again made an appearance. 

Everyone was mesmerized by her new ability. All.. but one. Navene was extremely cautious about how he answered the questions he was given. Vatalanie would refuse to leave Artemis' side. She has yet to leave the room except to relieve herself and run straight back. She is acutely aware that this is the most vulnerable state for her friend and now her child. She gave anyone she did not recognize a warning growl upon arrival in the chamber to stay back. 

The king and queen were still astonished by their daughter in law. They did finally speak to Caspian to find out what all has happened. The king was furious to find out that their were hunters poaching so close to his kingdom. The queen was shocked to learn that Artemis gave the dragon her entire self to help save her. She is a true protector to all. 

The wiggling of the silver eyed beauty alerted Vatalanie. Lifting her head up she sees Artemis attempt to peal open her eyes. Vatalanie keeps her eyes trained on her friend. After a few minutes of struggling, she finally gets them open to only see a blur. Blinking repeatedly she finally can see evaluate where she is at. Her fingers gingerly running across the silk of the sheets. Feeling pressure on her she looks down to see all the pack laying asleep against. Vatalanie is the only one awake. Her eyes locked upon Artemis. She barks telling the others to move back. They all move attentively sitting around her. 

Artemis smiles slightly until a wave of dizziness strikes her making her relax back into the pillow. The door burst open as a frantic Caspian runs in. His chest feeling a strong pull towards her awakening. He was having dinner with his family when he felt the urge to come back. 

Vatalanie sees him striding towards them so she jumps down giving him room. The pack of wolves following. Caspian makes it to her capturing her face in his palms. The metallic eyes blinking to focus on him. Caspian smiles and laughs seeing her eyes finally opening. His lips coming down to kiss her forehead as he thanks the heavens for bringing her back. 

Artemis sighs feeling warmth spread through her by the contact. The tingles electrifying her skin as she peals her eyes open to focus on her beloved. 

My prince

Caspian's eyes sparkle hearing her voice dance in his head. 

My queen

He leans down slowly and gently places his lips to hers. The flames licking at his lips. A knock at the door pulls them away. The king, queen, princess and Navene coming into the room to greet her. 

"Ah Artemis, thank goodness" 

The queen comes over practically shoving her son aside to kiss her forehead. Artemis blushes at the love and support she is receiving. Turning she sees Navene studying her. She knows what he is thinking and nods to him. The family all sees the movement glancing to Navene before returning back to her. 

"May I have a moment with Caspian?"

Her voice is rough and cracks but everyone understood once again leaving the room. Caspian sits beside her on the bed taking her hand into his own. Bringing it to his lips kissing each finger. 

"You terrified me love... And you continue to have new abilities-"

"New abilities?" 

Artemis scrunches her eyes in confusion while Caspian gently chuckles. He is about to speak when a soft knock resognates through the room. Turning to the door, Caspian debates whether to ignore it but decides against it aware that his parent's are outside the door. He pecks her lips before telling whomever to enter. 

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