Chapter one

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Everyone in town was preparing for the arrival of the wolves, personally I hated it. The towns streets were being decorated as if this was a holiday, the restaurants in town were staying open later than usual, and the girls were acting as if they've never saw a man before.

From what I heard I understood that this alpha was no regular man, he's been searching for his mate for a while now but still hasn't found the right girl.

Judging from the short dresses half the towns female population has been purchasing I think he'll find his girl here. I didn't want to pay to much attention to all this, I just want the alpha to come find his mate and leave us all alone.

I pitied the poor girl he ends up taking.

Finally the sun started to set and it was time to go home. I eyed the town and shook my head, why is everyone so excited about this, aren't we supposed to hate the werewolves? Maybe it was their fear of them that was making them act this way. I wouldn't let my fear make me act a certain way, but that's me.

I took a shower and got ready for bed. No one knew exactly what day the alpha and his pack would be here, but we did know that it would be some time this week.

I closed my eyes feeling multiple emotions flow through my body. I wonder if they're as scary as they sound.

It had to be a bit past midnight when I heard banging on my bedroom door. I jumped out of bed only to land on my face, that's definitely gonna' leave a mark.

"Stella the wolves are here. They're at the city hall."

Moms frantic voice notified me when I finally swung the door open.

My heart dropped. They're already here? The town must be going nuts right now.

Since I didn't bother purchasing a new dress because I don't want the alpha to notice me, I ran to my closet and pulled out a pair of blue jeans, and a black sweater.

Hoping I wasn't already late I threw my hair in a ponytail, grabbed my shoes and left the house.

Our city hall was full. This was my first time ever seeing a werewolf and let me tell you, boy are they beautiful, the men and women were breath taking. I went to stand next to my friends when I noticed that all the young females from town were standing in a line.

Compared to them I looked like trash, when did they have time to fix themselves up like this? It was midnight for Gods sake!

I stood at the end of the line, and waited to hear I could go home. I hadn't seen the alpha yet, and I didn't want to.

A man who looked like he was in his early twenties was holding a clipboard, and walking down the line taking all our names. Was this the alpha? As if reading my thoughts he looked right at me and said "I am beta Alex, the alpha is here, but he is watching from afar he will be joining us in a few minutes." Just like that he walked away from all of us, and joined the group of wolves.

Those minutes felt like hours. I stood there wishing I had brought my phone or at least my iPod.

All the girls who were lined up started complaining that the high heels they were wearing were making their feet ache, ha I'm glad I wore my converse. I looked down at them and noticed my left shoe lace was untied just as I bent down to tie it I heard footsteps, still bent down I lifted my head only to hear

"I want her."

And just like that all heads snapped in my direction.

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