Chapter six

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Here it is!

Thank you to all my readers who vote and comment, you are all my motivation!

Enjoy :)



The drive back to the alphas house was long. We had been on the road for almost an hour when I grew tired.

Sleep was begging to take over, but I refused to sleep in car full of werewolves.

Finally I heard the alpha say "we have entered pack grounds."

I always hated long car rides.

A few minutes later we were parked in front of a house that was way to big to belong to just one person.

I was happy to be back on my feet since my legs had fallen asleep throughout that long journey.

Standing outside of the house made me feel like a complete idiot.

I don't know where my room is, where the alpha is, or where anyone is actually. Knowing that there was no way I could walk home without dying I decided it would be best to go sit in the garden. I've always loved flowers, they're unique and can cheer anyone up.

I don't know how long I stayed in the garden but I guess sleep had won its battle and took over, because when I woke up I was in a bed. How did I get here? Obviously someone carried me in here, but who? I hoped it wasn't that alpha.

The room I was in had dark blue walls, it was spacious, and only had one window. Just as I tried to get out of the bed I felt something or should I say someone pull me in to their arms. I slowly turned around only to see the alpha lying down next to me.

I screamed and hit his arm causing him to wake up, and jump out of bed. His stance looked as if he was ready to attack someone, but when he looked around and saw that I was the only one in the room with him his eyes darkened, and he walked over to sit on the sofa that was in the room. Realizing my mistake I quickly mumbled an apology.

I stood up, and walked towards the window.

This alphas backyard was huge! I thought about how my parents always wanted a house with a big yard, my family wasn't poor, but we weren't rich either.

Remembering my family I felt tears pool in my eyes, I quickly wipe them away, remembering that the alpha was currently standing in the room.

Realizing that I have done nothing but cry these past few days made me want to stop being so weak, I needed to prove myself to these wolves, and show them that although I am human I am a hell of a lot stronger than they think.

Hearing footsteps snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked up and saw the alpha was in front of me, thinking he'd be angry at me for always crying I flinched picturing how he'd take out his anger. What I least expected was for him to sit down on his knees and slowly start talking.

"You may hate me right now, and I hate myself for putting you through this, but you need to understand that you were made for me. Without you my pack will fall apart, my kind, we'd all die. My pack deserves to have their alpha and luna lead them, but I need you to stand by my side and support us. I'm sorry for being the person who is hurting you, believe me you have no idea how much I wish I could just let you go, but my wolf needs you, we all do."

It was obvious he wasn't used to apologizing. He let out a deep breathe before continuing.

"I am an alpha and an alpha never apologizes to anyone, but look at me sitting on my knees asking you to forgive me, to give me a chance, to give my pack a chance."


Aw so he does have a soft side... What do you think Stella will do?

Bernardo Velasco what I imagine Bane looks like!




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