Chapter three

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I stared up in horror as the alpha and the entire crowd looked at me.

Praying that there was someone, anyone standing behind me I turned around only to see that no one was there.

Why the hell is he choosing me when there are all these girls willing to be his? It's not that I didn't think the alpha was attractive; believe me anyone with eyes would agree with me on that one; it was the fact that I wouldn't last a minute in the world of werewolves.

Did he not see that?

I can't leave my life here, what will happen to my parents?

Several minutes passed by and no one had said a word, all I got was stares.

Finally finding my voice I cleared my throat and said, "I think you made a mistake."

Gasps filled the air, but when I looked over at the alpha he held my gaze as if he was daring me to repeat what I had just said.

I slowly put my head down afraid of catching his gaze again.

When I heard footsteps I thought the alpha and his followers were taking their leave, instead I was approached by someone.

I could feel the power radiating off this person, his boots were black as the night, and before I could look up to see this person. His hands cupped my cheeks. His palms were warm, and rough against my smooth skin.

"I made no mistake. I want you, and that means I will have you."

I stayed silent as my eyes connected with bright brown eyes filled with so many different emotions making me want to run back home and forget everything that happened tonight.

I wasn't sure if I was even holding myself up right now. The alpha brought his face directly in front of mine and spoke slowly.

"You're mine now."

I guess that was when everything came crashing down on me because I took one look at the alphas face, and took off running as fast as I could.

I heard growls coming from behind me. I knew I couldn't out run the werewolves, but that didn't mean I was willing to go down without a fight.


The Alpha wants me (completed)Where stories live. Discover now