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It's been a week. One whole week. Snake and I are in a frenemies type relationship, and seem to let our anger out on the other a lot. Mainly with our fists. Throughout the course of this week I've had to go to the hospital because of a fractured rib, and have a nice smattering of blue and purple bruises all over my body and face. I'm a sight for sore eyes. One of my eyes had been punched shut, and now that it finally opened it looks bloodshot and honestly badass. I feel badass, mainly because I also sent Snake to the hospital for a ruptured kidney and a couple broken ribs. But we're good friends.

Funny how that works.

Because of my outbursts, I've been in holding so I wasn't able to get any visitors. But I'm out now, so people are allowed to see me.

An officer came to my cell then, and led me out to the visiting room. Once he led me in there, this time guiding me carefully because of my still tender ribs, I noticed that this was not a visiting room where the prisoner and visitor were separated by a wall and phone. There were a bunch of round tables scattered around a large room, and prisoners were quietly conversing with their loved ones. I looked around and spotted three people that I knew.

Jaxon, Damon, Liam.

Of course it was those three.

They were already staring at me and three different expressions were painted on each persons face.

Jaxon rolled his eyes at me bruises, no doubt annoyed that I was dumb enough to get in a fight with an inmate.

Damon looked at my face worriedly, probably wondering if they hurt.

Liam snorted and tried to hold in a laugh.

I waited for the officer to un cuff me so I could walk up to them.

Prisoners are allowed a brief moment of contact with their visitors before being separated. Brief meaning like two seconds. They can kiss too, but also briefly. Some people sneak drugs or weapons in through kissing, so the officers allow barely even a smack on the lips before yelling at them to break it up. Not like I have anyone to kiss or anything.

Jaxon pulled me in for a hug first, making me wince in pain. "Ribs." I said i to his shoulder.

He shook his head. "The ribs too huh?"

I didn't get a chance to answer before Damon gently grabbed my wrist and dragged me into his chest. "Missed you." He mumbled into my ear.

I didn't get a chance to respond to him too as Liam also dragged me into a hug. "You're an idiot." Was all he said. Cute.

I sat down at the metal table and sighed. "How are you guys?"

They all sat down too, Damon to my right, Jaxon to my left, and Liam in front.

"We should be asking you that. Well, actually you seem in some kind of pain." Liam pointed at my face.

"Yes Liam thank you for that observation." I muttered as I shifted in my seat.

"What happened?" Damon huffed out.

"Me and some girl got in a fight, nothing to worry about she's in the hospital."

"Well at least you did one thing right." Jaxon said as he grabbed my chin to look at the cut on my cheek from my first day here.

"Shut up. Who put me in here?" I needed to know.

They all exchanged looks. "We don't know." Liam finally said.

I suddenly banged my hand on the table, making an officer near the door jerk his head toward me. "How the hell have you guys not figured out anything in a whole week?"

Damon frowned. "Scar, we're not detectives or fucking cops, we've asked Hazel and Olivia if they know anything but they don't so we don't know where else to go."

I frowned. "Those two fucking snakes were with me one moment, gone the next. No one knows where they went during the timeframe of me getting arrested or Rose dying. Excuse me if I'm not going to believe that they just don't know anything." I growled.

"It's time for us to go." Liam said as he looked at the clock on the wall. "Our 15 minutes are up."

In this prison, if you are on bad behavior, you get the minimum amount of time with visitors, and if you're good you get privileges.

I stood up and an officer automatically came to cuff me again. "Look into it."

Liam and Damon turned around and started heading to the door. Jaxon looked at me. In the short amount of time the officer walked to get me we had a conversation.

"Do you think it's them?" I asked quietly.

Jaxon looked grave. "Those fuckers just don't know when to quit."

"Give them hell."


a/n: definitely shorter than how short i usually write them but i was in a rush so sorry for that but at least i updatedddd

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