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        The week has flown by. The court has said that I would be having a trial on the 6th of next month, which means I need a fucking lawyer.

        I've asked Jaxon to hire someone, and I'm meeting him today. Jaxon has done some shady shit the last couple years and he's needed a good ass lawyer to fish him out. I need that luck now. If the jury declares me with 1st or 2nd degree murder I could very well spend the rest of my 'life' trapped in a 6x8 foot cell.

        If I lived in Minnesota or something, I could have plead for 3rd degree, and gotten a shorter sentence. Alas, that is forbidden in 49 states, including California.

        I groaned and flopped onto the twin bed I've been sitting on for the past hour. It's nighttime, and the guards have already locked everything up and I should be sleeping, but I can't.

        I'm scared.

        I don't want my pathetic excuse of a life to be spent locked up. That's just... pathetic.

        Not being able to touch my daughter, not being able to see her grow up, not being able to be there, that hurt the most.

        I took in a shuttering breath and closed my eyes.

        I'm so tired.


"Get up." Someone said from outside my cell. I groggily sat up on the bed as the door suddenly opened, which it never does.

"What are you doing?" I asked the dark figure.

Suddenly I saw everything clearly. The fucker.

"Get the fuck out." I asked with fake confidence, internally freaking out. The last time he came into my cell was three years ago, and I ended up with a baby. Although Emma came into this world from a horrible crime, because rape is illegal, she's my baby and I will always love her.

"I don't think I'm going to leave actually. No one will be able to hear you this time." Blake said as he took out a pair of handcuffs from his pocket, grinning evilly.



        "Is that an eight or a three?" I asked Jaxon as I shoved a paper in his face.

        He squinted, leaned his head backwards, squinted again, leaned forward, and shook his head. "I have no fucking clue."

        I groaned and leaned back to rest my back on the wall behind me. "I think I'm going blind."

        "Aye, but know that even if we do, we'll have freed Scar and everything will be right in the world again."

        I looked at him and saw that he looked just as terrible as I felt. We've spent the past four days hunched in his house poring over pages of their uncle, someone Jaxon is convinced is the mastermind behind this whole fuck.

        "When did you start speaking like some British person?" He's getting delirious from the lack of sleep. I don't know if I should laugh or be concerned.

        "If I bloody want to talk like a British person, mate, I'll fooking do it." He exclaimed before laughing hysterically.

          My eyes widened. What the fuck is going on?

        Someone suddenly knocked on the door gently and I called for them to enter. It was my little Emma, holding a teddy bear and rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand. Well shit that's adorable.

        "Hi sweetie, why are you out of bed?" I asked as I looked at my watch. It read 3:27 am.

        "I couldn't sleep, can you sleep with me?" Her cute little tired voice asked.

        I hesitated for a bit and looked across at Jaxon, who was already knocked out with his head lying awkwardly against his own shoulder and him still sitting up. I stood, took a step toward him and pushed his shoulder, making him topple back in a laying position. Shit didn't even flinch.

        I went to Emma who was already closing her eyes and scooped her up, where she payed her head on my shoulder and fell asleep. I walked to her room and tried to lay her down, but her little fists were clenched on my shirt not letting go. I signed and lifted her up, lay down, and Emma fell asleep calmly on my chest, and I quickly passed out as well, fatigue taking a hold.

a/n: rlly short, as always, and a long wait sorry but it's been a hectic few weeks and I honestly forgot about this book soooo I'm sorry !!

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