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Flashback: Three years ago.


        "Get off her!" I heard someone behind me said.

        I was currently trying to strangle a girl who had the audacity to make a snide comment about my parents.

The girl was 16, and her usually pale skin was a deep red from lack of oxygen.

I was suddenly pulled away roughly, and thrown in the opposite side of the hallway. There was five officers, three trying to help the bitch up off the ground and three holding me back from bashing her head in.

"Let me go motherfuckers!" I cried, punching one in the boobs and the other in the throat.

They both groaned but the one male officer shoved me into a wall and slammed his body against mine.

"Calm down babygirl." He whispered in my ear.

"Pedophile." I whispered back mischievously.

He was a not bad looking guy in his twenties, with coal black hair and dark green eyes. Except the fact that I was a 14 year old kid and him hitting on me was enough to almost make me vomit every single time.

The officers finally got everything figured out, took Stephanie to the hospital and I to my cell. Officer Blake was taking me, and he had pressed himself directly behind my flat ass.

"You know, I can file a complaint saying you're harassing me right?"

He laughed and shoved me a little, causing me to almost topple over. "No one would believe you, I'm practically a saint in everyone's eyes."

I rolled my eyes. "It's people like you that corrupt the whole system."

        We finally made it to my cell. He un cuffed me, but before he let me go, he suddenly groped my small breasts and whispered in my ear, "Tonight."



        I had just put Emma in the backseat and she had insisted on bringing a big blanket and one of her stuffed animals, a bear. JJ hadn't gone into details but something was wrong with Kai.

        "You ok sweetie?" I asked as I looked at her through the mirror. She nodded sleepily and rested her head on the back of her seat.

        Kai isn't one for partying, so what could he have been doing at eleven that got him injured enough to go to the hospital?

        After a short drive, I parked outside the ER, bundled up Emma into a little burrito and lifted her into my arms, and hurried to the entrance.

        Once I entered I looked to the side and immediately saw JJ, Liam, and Ryder waiting in the waiting room. The two girls were nowhere to be seen. I was slightly surprised at seeing Ryder as he is always convinced he's the outsider of our group.

"What's going on?" I asked as Emma snuggled her head in the crook of my neck.

"Can I hold her?" JJ's broken voice asked. I looked at him and noticed that his face looked gaunt, and his eyes bloodshot and red.

Without a word I carefully transferred Emma into JJ's arms, who sat down in a chair and snuggled her. I noticed that once JJ grabbed a hold of baby Emma, he visibly relaxed.

What the fuck is going on?

I looked at Liam, and he nodded his head to the hallway.

"What's happening?" I asked once we entered the hallway.

He scrubbed a hand over his face. "His sister is dead jackass."

I froze. "JJ's?"

He nodded. "And Kai's"

Holy fuck.

JJ and Kai had a sister each. JJ's sister is- well was, an adorable six year old that JJ basically raised himself, as his single mother worked as a nurse and barely had time to stay at home.

Kai's sister was a sassy 13 year old. She was always with JJ because she loved pranking people, and JJ basically made her his apprentice.

And they both died.

"How, and what about Kai?"

"They were in a car accident, it was Kai and the two girls, he got hit from behind, Kai is in surgery and the two girls died from impact."

I was in denial. How was my friend in surgery? He couldn't die, he couldn't.

"Shit!" I exclaimed. I looked in the waiting room and saw JJ crying quietly in Emma's hair.

That's why he grabbed her. He needed someone to remind him of his little sister.

"Where's Jaxon? I'll need him to take Emma, I'm staying here with JJ." I told Liam as he looked at me like he thought I was going to explode.

"I called him, he's on his way. But man, we need to tell Scar." His voice softened at her name and I immediately remembered that we weren't on speaking terms.

"I'll go to her tomorrow." I said before I walked away.

I went to sit next to JJ and he looked over at me. "Sorry I took her man, but, I just n-needed-"

I cut him off. "Don't worry about it. She's sleeping anyway." I looked at Emma and saw her adorable sleeping face, with drool and everything. I leaned down to gently kiss her forehead and I walked outside to wait for Jaxon.



I looked at the face of my rapist. He had the same annoyingly pretty dark green eyes, and the curly black hair Emma had inherited. He was smirking down at me, happy at my horrified expression.

"Miss me baby?"

That was it. I snapped, for the 100th time this two something weeks.

I jerked me knee into his dick, causing him to groan and bend down, making it easy for me to upper cut him in the nose.

"Bitch!" He cries out as I pushed him away from me and pounced again.

He was a lanky guy, and with my adrenaline I could easily grab a chunk full of his hair and smash his face into the ground. He groaned again as I also kicked him in the stomach. Again, and again, and again. I saw nothing but red as I continued to pound my foot and hand into every single part of his disgusting body.

I heard commotion all around me, and arms trying to hold me back, but I violently shook them all off and continued.

Finally, when at least five inmates and officers were holding me away from the dick, he spit out a bunch of blood and looked up at me, smiling. "Say hi to my daughter for me. I can't wait to meet her."

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