Chapter Five

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Clover applied her mascara as she stared at herself in the mirror. She was excited that Dahlia and Walker would be coming over for lunch, she missed her sweet sister immensely.

A knock on the door pulled her from her thoughts. "Come in," Kane's head peeked in, and shortly after his whole body was in the room.

Taking a good look at his Clover, Kane nodded. She was an image of beauty. "You look beautiful, as usual." Clover rolled her eyes and thanked Kane. He was always buttering her up with compliments, though she didn't mind.

"What happened to bumpkin Kane? He was kinda cute," Clover's comment made Kane chuckle and wrap his arm around her shoulder.

"I knew you thought it was hot, though, "bumpkin Kane" can't be a constant in my life. When I was in the Army I had to ease up on the accent, people couldn't understand me too well, my accent was much thicker than what you heard earlier,"

Clover nodded her head with a surprised look. Kane was a discovery, "Wow, that's- were you offended when you had to change?" Clover would've hated being told to change the way she spoke, but she wasn't joining the army anytime soon, so she'd be just fine.

Kane shrugged. "No, I knew that we would be in life or death situations, and if I couldn't communicate clearly somethin could happen,"

Clover was about to reply, but the doorbell rang. A shriek of excitement left Clover's mouth and she sprinted to the door leaving Kane behind.

Looking through the peephole, Clover opened the door once she recognized Dahlia and Walker.

"H-" Dahlia was cut off by Clover hugging the life out of her. "I missed you so much you little stinker!" Clover whispered in Dahlia's ear as she held her.

Dahlia hugged Clover back just as tight. "I missed you too! Though it's really nice not always being late," Dahlia said with a fake snarky tone.

Clover let go of Dahlia and punched her lightly on the shoulder. "Whatever,"

Clover moved to Walker next, she missed him, just not as much as she missed Dahlia. "Walker walk-ons! I missed you bud," Walker raised a brow at Clover's weird nickname for him, but he hugged her nonetheless.

"I missed you too,"

Kane watched Clover with a smile on his face. Her joy was infectious and he loved seeing her happy.

Once Clover was done with her greetings, she walked the couple to the terrace where Kane had the food out. He got everything ready earlier, Clover was supposed to help but she was too busy getting ready.

"Dahlia, Walker, it's good to see y'all again," Kane said as he pulled Clover's chair out.

Dahlia gave Kane a hug and Walker nodded.

"This looks good! Did you make this, Kane? Clover can cook, but this looks a little different than her cooking," Dahlia said as she gazed at the table.

Kane smiled and nodded. "Thanks, Dahlia. My ma taught me everything I know."

Another thing Clover didn't know, and it was excused. They didn't have months in advance to learn about each other.

They dug into the food after Kane prayed over it, and the conversations began shortly after.

"So, Kane has Clover been treating you kindly?" Dahlia asked.

Kane looked at Clover and a smile grew on his face. "Oh, she's been the best. Only, she thinks of me as a bumpkin," Kane's answer made Clover gasp. Kane was such a joke.

"Don't listen to his lies, I only called him a bumpkin once!" Dahlia couldn't help but laugh at the couple. They were sweet.

Kane gave Clover a dry look. "I showed her just how bumpkin-like I could be, I'm born and raised in Texas, we only moved to New York when I turned 16 so the accent is strong, but I keep it down for business sake,"

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