Chapter Fifteen

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The morning came sooner than either of them expected. Clover's face was buried in Kane's neck, and Kane's hands were rested on Clover's lower back.

'ring, ring, ring!'

Kane's phone practically screamed at the couple for them to wake up. Reaching over to the bedside table, Kane checked his phone and he saw that his mother was calling.

Gently moving his heavy sleeping wife, Kane walked outside of the room to talk to his mother but left the door open so he could see Clover in case she needed him. "Hey ma, how are you feeling?"

"Just fine, how's my sweet daughter-in-law? You don't bring her around enough,"

Kane chuckled at his mother's short answer. He knew that she didn't like talking about her health, but he was a concerned son. "You just saw her yesterday, ma. But, Clover's doing well if you want I can ask her if she'd like to come over to the house. I'm sure she would love to see you again, it'll have to be this week though, I plan on taking her away for a while," Kane said as he glanced at his sleeping beauty.

Nelly let out a joyful 'yay' and whispered to Michael that he needed to get some ingredients for her to cook. "Oh, well just let me know! I can't wait to see you two again! I'm so glad you married her, she's perfect for you," Nelly's voice was soft and it made Kane smile.

"Me too ma, she's a true blessing." Nelly sighed in delight at Kane's words.

"I won't keep you away from her, my love. I can't wait to hug you, but I'll wait. Goodbye, my son," Kane loved his mother with so much of his heart, she was a gift.

"Same here, I love you, and I'll see you soon,"

The call ended and Kane took another look at Clover to make sure that she was still sleeping, and once he saw, he went to brush his teeth and make breakfast.

Thirty minutes passed and Kane was walking down the hallway to bring his darling her breakfast, as he opened the door he saw that she was still sleeping soundly. He didn't want to interrupt her slumber, but she needed to eat.

"Darlin, wake up, I've got breakfast for you," The soft edge in Kane's usual more gruff tone pulled Clover out of her sleep.

Her eyes fluttered open and it was an image of loveliness, Kane just wanted to take a picture of her, so he did.

"W-why'd you take a picture of me? I just woke up and I look awful," Kane placed the food down and kissed Clover's lips.

"Nonsense, you look beautiful. Now sit up and eat," Clover sat up and walked to brush her teeth, once she finished, she sat next to Kane on the terrace and ate.

Clover was deep in thought, she kept thinking about what she told Kane last night. He deserved to know, but she still had a few more things to tell him.

Kane noticed Clover's pondering face was on, and he was curious about what was going on in her mind, but he wouldn't pry.

"Kane, I went to therapy for two years after what happened. I knew I had to go when I started longing for him, it wasn't healthy, and I knew it, so I found this faith-based therapist. She told me that I was worth so much more than what I thought, and I knew that before he came along, but somewhere along the road, I lost sight of the truth." Kane just leaned in, he knew that Clover needed to get everything off of her chest.

"She asked if I wanted to press charges, and I just couldn't do that to him. She didn't get upset with me, she knew what state of mind I was in. My whole identity was in him, and once he left me I was lost. Then it all changed one day, I can remember that day so vividly. It was a year into therapy and she suggested that I read the book of Hosea in the Bible, and so I did. I didn't expect it to help me, but something in me wanted to see despite my doubt." Kane took Clover's hand and kissed it.

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