Chapter Thirteen

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Clover was nervous, she was finally doing the thing that she dreaded.

Her mother was kind, but she was also very straight to the point and she sometimes avoided her children, or that's what Clover thought. But, the thoughts will be rectified after their talk.

Greta stopped walking and faced Clover. "Okay, what are we talking about?" She asked.

Clover smiled nervously and wrung her hands out. "I'm just gonna say it, I don't think that you truly like me and Dahlia. You spend so much time away from us and when we're around you don't spend time with us, and you yell and you come off as very hurtful." Clover said all in a hurry.

Greta looked surprised by Clover's outburst. "Honey," Greta said with her hand over her heart. "Clover, I love you and your sister so much, I've just been so busy helping your father with his business and I didn't think that you were upset by this,"

Clover took her mother's hand. "I know that you've been busy, but we need you too, mom. But, even today when you called me, you didn't even ask how I was doing, you didn't even care to know. It hurt me a lot, mom."

Greta shook her head and sighed. "I was just in a rush, and you know I love you,"

Clover raised her hand and spoke. "That's the thing, mom. You assume that I know, but I don't! We know that Dad loves us and he shows it! He was just as busy as you, and he still made time for us. But you never showed us, true love," Clover was always outspoken, and she never held back, only when it came to her parents, she never wanted to hurt them.

Greta looked taken aback. She never had Clover say such things to her. "Okay, you're right Clover. What can I do to show love?" Greta knew that Clover was right, and she couldn't counter her anymore, she was going to listen.

"You can listen to us, you can hang out with us, you can truly get to know us. It's something that I know both of us will accept, we just want to be with you, Mom. That's all," Clover didn't blame her mom for being unavailable, she just wanted to see her change and put the effort into relationships.

Greta nodded. "Okay! I'll do it, I love you guys and I don't want either of you to feel unloved, we should do something together, I'll call you tomorrow and we can work some plans out,"

Clover hugged her mother and her heart grew warm. She finally had her mother back, and it wasn't as nerve-wracking as she thought it would be. "I love you Mom, and I can't wait for your call,"

"I love you too, sweet blossom," Greta called Clover the nickname she gave her at birth.

Clover smiled and let go of her mom. Clover wanted to tell Kane just how wonderful things were with her mom.

It was a blessing.


Two Days Later

Kane walked into the door and he was met by Clover's smiling face. "Hi, darlin, you look real excited,"

Clover kissed Kane and pulled him into the living room. "Hi, Kane! I missed you and how was work?" Clover was trying to make sure that she greeted Kane correctly before she ranted about her day.

Kane let Clover guide him into the living room and he watched her glow with excitement. "I'm doin great baby, and I missed you too. Now, I know you've got lots to tell me about your day, so go ahead and tell me," Kane said and wrapped his arms around Clover and kissed her forehead.

"Okay! So we met this morning at Dahlia's house and we had breakfast, it was so good! We talked about everything and Mom asked about how things were going with you and me, and with Walker and Dahlia. It was brand new and I appreciated her wanting to know about me and Dahlia," Clover said as she snuggled into Kane's arms, her usual spot.

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