Chapter 9 (Death Trap)

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Anastasia Rosaline Parker's POV

I wiped away all my tears and excused myself to go the toilet and freshen up.

I cut myself a few times using my razor blade. I was stressed to the max.

Watching the blood drip from my thighs is like taking drugs, it makes me feel relieved.

I wiped the blood away and put bandages on my thighs then pulled up my pants.

I washed my face, reapplied my make up to cover the nasty bruise Sir gave me and went outside to Ms Nancy.

Ms Nancy asked me to go pack all my things while she did all the necessary paperwork for me to stay with my brothers.

I didnt have many things to pack.

Just a few of my drawings and paintings, my books, some of my money from work which I secretly saved and my clothes.

Lastly, the most important and precious item of mine. My mother's ring. She gave it to me just before she passed away.

I've never worn it.

I hid it in a box.

I was always scared that Sir would find it and sell it for money for alcohol or to gamble.

I was always scared that Sir would find it and sell it for money for alcohol or to gamble

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(picture of ring)

After about 30 minutes I had packed up all of my necessary items.

I only had one bagpack and one luggage.

They both were not even fully filled. Pathetic, I know.

I carried them downstairs.

"Is that all your things?" Ms Nancy asked me. I nodded my head.

She then drove me to the airport.

On the way to the airport, I called the diner that I was working in and told them that I couldn't work there anymore as I was moving.

I didnt have any friends, so I didn't have to call anyone else to inform them, that I was moving.

I wanted to see my mom before I left, but Ms Nancy said that if I visited my mom, I would be late for the flight.

Ms Nancy waited with me till I had to board the plane. She told me that one of my brothers would pick me up.

I was terrified to be flying. It was my first time, I was basically in a death trap filled with strangers.

I was in first class seat, and the seats beside me were empty which I was thankful for.

When the plane was landing I almost peed myself. I was scared of the turbulence.

My fingers kept twisting and turning mom's ring and I prayed for a safe landing.

Once the plane landed. I limped to the baggage claim and collected my luggage.

I went to the toilet to make sure that the make up covering the bruise in my face was ok and not smudged.

Now what do I do? I dont even know how my brothers look like. I sat down on one of the plastic chairs and waited.

Hopefully, they know what I look like.

Author's note

Anastasia is going to meet her brothers in the next chapter ✌️

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