Chapter 42 (Im Scared Lijah)

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Elijah's POV

Xander and Xavier were throwing punches at each other.

Roman got hold of Xavier and I held Xander, both of them were struggling out of our holds to fight one another.

"Stop. Please. Sir. I cant take this anymore. Please give me mercy and kill me" I heard Anastasia shouting.

I threw Xander on the floor and ran to Anastasia.

Roman dropped Xavier down too.

Seeing Ana shouting and crying,
Xander and Xavier stopped fighting and quickly ran to her.

Ana was rocking herself on the sofa, with her eyes shut and shouting for "Sir" to stop.

Ace went to her and put his hand on her shoulder calling her name, trying to coax her out of her flashback.

She flinched away from his hand.

I sat down beside her on the sofa.

"Anastasia. Honey, it's not real, its just a memory. Come back to us" I coaxed as gently as I could.

I was rubbing my hands up and down her back in a comforting manner.

She suddenly opened her tear filled eyes, wide with panic and looked frantically at her surroundings.

"It's ok Sorellina, It just your brothers and I here. No one else is here to hurt you" Ace said, grabbing her hand and holding it.

(Little sister)

"Portale un bicchiere d'acqua Roman" Ace said.

(Get her a glass of water Roman)

Roman hurried to the kitchen to get Anastasia some water.

Anastasia was just crying and staring at the floor.

"Xander e Xavier vanno nelle tue fottute stanze e non venire fuori" Ace shouted angrily, causing Ana to flinch.

(Xander and Xavier go to your fucking rooms and don't fucking come out)

"Im sorry for shouting baby" Ace apologised to Ana.

"But we want to make sure Ana is ok" Xander said rubbing his head, which hit the floor when I threw him.

Blood was dripping down Xander's nose.

Xavier was just running his hands through his hair and looking worriedly at Ana.

Xavier's eye was turning into an ugly purple colour.

"You have done enough. Go to your rooms" I said to the twins, angry that they made our sister have a flashback and also for  hurting each other.

Just as the twins left the living room, Roman scurried in, holding a cup filled with water.

Anastasia still hadn't said a single word to us.

She wordlessly took the cup from Roman and sipped a bit of water, occasionally wiping her dripping tears with her sleeve.

"Are you ok?" Roman asked her.

She just stared at him.

"What happened?" Ace asked Anastasia gently.

Ana shook her head, silently conveying that she didn't want to talk about it.

She looked at me with her big doe eyes as if begging me, to not let Ace force her to talk.

"Fratello, lei non vuole parlare. Sembra stanca. Lasciala riposare. Possiamo parlare domani mattina" I said, looking at my watch and seeing the time.

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