Chapter 57 (Fighting And Crying)

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Xavier Jason Blade's POV

I hate this life.

In the shower, under the running water, my adrenaline rush went away.

I realised what really just happened.

30 people died because of us today.

Our brother almost died.

The fact is, we didn't ask to be part of the mafia.

Our lives are always in danger but we would definitely be dead if we came out of it.

Without the mafia, we wouldn't have protection and all the people who want to kill us definitely would.

I wiped my eyes and turned off the shower

I quickly dried myself and pulled on a random pair of shirt and jeans.

Pull yourself together Xavier.

You can't show weakness in this fucking life.

I hopped down the stairs to the garage.

Xander was sitting in the Range Rover using his phone.

I quickly got in and sat beside him.

He didn't even look at my face but he already knew I cried.

"It's not our fault, Xavier" He said turning on the engine.

"They died for us Xander. They died because of us" I said, my voice already wavering.

"We knew some of them personally Xander. They were our fucking friends" I said to Xander.

"I get that and im fucking pissed too. The person who did this is going to fucking regret it. They tried to fucking kill our brother" Xander said, slamming his hands on the steering wheel.

"Calm down hulk" I said to Xander noticing his irregular breathing.

This fucker was not taking his medications.

He couldn't fucking control his emotions.

Especially his anger.

He tried to hide it but I guess me talking about it made his mask break.

"I AM FUCKING CALM" He said through gritted teeth.

He accelerated the car and fucking sped to school.

Bitch slow tf down

"Xander, you are not fucking driving on the way back home. You are going to scare Ana" I said, putting on my seat belt.

I trusted his driving but he was actually going way too fast.

Xander parked about two spaces away from Grey's car as there were cars parked beside Grey's car.

"Fucking dumbasses parking near my fucking boyfriend.. " Xander muttered something, getting out of the car.

I rolled my eyes and followed behind him.

"So how was school?" I cheerfully, asked my sister opening the car door.

She was crying badly.

Her face was all red.

"What the fuck happened?" Xander shouted.

"What did you do?" He shouted at Grey.

Grey's eyes widened and he looked shocked.

Even I was appalled.

I knew Grey wouldn't do anything to Ana.

"Xander, what the fuck?" I said to him.

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