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Neuf - Nine

The week after that, there was yet another party that Fay felt more than just inclined to attend. The night was spent surrounded by underaged teenagers downing alcohol and smoking weed. Songs that Fay couldn't be bothered to learn poured through hidden speakers and flushed bodies pressed into one another as they danced.

Nothing about it was interesting up until the point that he and Eden stumbled into one another yet again. It was the second time that they slept together. They shared another post-sex cigarette, hardly making any conversation as they simply brought the tainted air into their already toxic lungs.

Although Fay still hadn't found a reason to particularly like the guy, he didn't oppose the idea of being able to sleep with someone who was actually out. That part was relieving. He didn't have to pretend like it never happened and act as though he didn't actually enjoy sleeping around. Even if people were okay with the fact that he was gay, that doesn't mean that they were okay with sluts. And though no one liked to admit it, Fay was clearly a slut.

To him, the term slut was not a derogatory word. It was just a way to describe someone who enjoyed having sex. Which he did. That was why he slept around so much. If people didn't like him because he slept around, then that was simply stupid. There were plenty of others in the school who were sluts, Eden being one of them. How much sex someone had didn't matter, just as long it was consensual.

There was one thing Fay noticed that was both relieving and concerning, which was Eden's weight. He was relieved to find that Eden didn't seem any skinner, but concerned because even if he wasn't starving himself, he was still abnormally skinny. Maybe he just had a weird body type. However, Fay found that hard to believe. If Eden wasn't rapidly losing weight though, then Fay didn't think it was that big of a deal.

By the time Monday came back around, Fay was beyond ready to get out of the house. That weekend was not a good one. It was filled with objects flying and voices screaming. He tried to calm Charlot down but it wasn't working. Vivienne tried as well, and she almost succeeded, but it was in vain. Fay just wished that Char would give his medications a chance.

Slightly tired, but still thankful to be back in school, Fay approached a happy looking Cal. "Hey, Cal." He greeted. "What's got you in such a good mood?"

Cal planted both hands on each of Fay's shoulders, staring down at him. "Guess what."

"What?" Fay laughed, furrowing his brow as he tried to figure out what the hell was making Cal so excited.

"Guess!" Cal urged him, lightly shaking Fay.

"Okay, okay!" Fay held up his hands in a surrender. "Um... you got laid?"

"Oh, fuck off." Cal chuckled then quickly regained himself. With a beaming smile, he explained what got him into such a positive mood. "Halloween is coming up!"

"Oh, right." Fay wasn't very big on the whole Halloween thing. The holiday wasn't a big deal over in France until the 90s, so he hadn't grown up with it like kids in America had. Especially since La Toussaint was the day after, which was way more important than Halloween. In all of the years he had spent there, he never went trick or treating and he never dressed up. So when he moved to America, he never felt the need to suddenly start celebrating it.

"Come on, Fay." Cal pouted, trying to appear cute in order to get Fay to cave. "You never do anything for Halloween. Can't you dress up just this once?"

"I've never done it before." Fay shrugged. When he was little, Maman and Papa would allow him to watch horror movies and gave him the option to go trick or treating, but Fay never bothered with the latter. It was rare in the town that he came from for children to trick or treat. It was more fun to just stay in all night, curled up with his family as they watched horror movies that would keep him awake for weeks.

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