Her Journal Entries

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I came home and dropped her journal on my bed. I stared at it for a long time then finally flipped it open.

September, 10, 1984

Today was the first day of school. Everyone at my new school seems really nice. My teachers are sort of mean to me. I made friends with these white girls. They are mean to everyone but me. They always crowd over me and talk about how pretty my cornrows are. My mom does them and they sometimes itch, but if they like it, I do. They let me sit at their lunch table which was really nice. Their names are: Lucy, Lilly, and Lia. It’s funny they all start with L right? I hope we can be friends forever!!! 

I smiled when I read the entry. It was cute. I turned to the next.

September, 15, 1984

I haven't written in you in a long time. I met some boy today. He is really quiet and he always gets in trouble. He might act crazy, but once, when I had detention with him (I forgot to do my homework) he told me I was the prettiest girl he ever saw. Then the teacher shushed us. I smiled at him and mouthed 'thank you.' Was that the right thing to do? WAS I FLIRTING WITH HIM?! I'm only 12! I can't be flirting with him! Plus my friends, those white girls told me to stay away from him. Right after detention I ran for my life. I hope I never run into him again... 

These entries were pointless to read, but I kept reading until the sun came up.

September, 16, 1984

The boy came to me again! I was in the park afterschool alone because my friends are all sick. I was reading this book called "Little Women," it was a little bit above my reading level, but my teachers thought I was ready. Then I heard someone call my name. "Amira!" He whispered. I looked up and he was in the tree smiling at me. I could have sworn I blushed. His smile was like an angel opening their arms to welcome me. I bit my lip and waved. He was slowly trying to get off the tree when he fell on me. "I'm sorry!" He said quickly getting off me. I looked at my arm and there was a huge scrape on it. Blood was coming out. He bought me a wrapped bandage with some of the change in his pocket. And all he kept on saying over and over again was "Sorry." He kissed the place where the bandage was and ran away. I think I maybe love him a little bit. I will never tell Lucy, Lia, or Lilly. Its sad, I still don't know his name. Maybe I will ask later.


Amira came into my trailer with a look of pure horror on her face.

"What’s wrong?" I ask standing up from my chair.

"My book. My journal." She said frantically going through my whole trailer looking for her journal.

"It’s not here. It’s not here." She said panicking.

Looking at her like this, I was really thinking of just giving it back.

"Why is it so important to you?" I asked.

"I had that thing since I was 12." She said pacing around me.

I touched her arm to calm her down then I remembered her scars. She looked at me for a few seconds then she put a braid behind her ear.

"I'm sorry." She said.

I let go of her arm and I started to imagine her as her 12 year old self, writing those journal entries. 

"I took it." I say cringing.

"Thank god." She said hugging me.

"I thought I lost it forever." She whispered.

She quickly let go of me.

"Sorry, I get a little crazy about the journal." She laughed.

But I had already missed her embrace. It felt familiar and warm. I could smell her clearly that way, she smelled like honey. 

Her face went to relief and happiness to suspicion and angry.

"Um, why do you have my journal?" She asked crossing her arms over her chest.

"I found it on your chair and I was trying to keep it safe because I know how much you love it. I only read the first few pages, I swear." I say backing up.

She stared into my soul and then her face softened.

"You read about Lesane?" She asked.

"Lesane?" I cocked my head to the side.

"Good. Give me my book back." She said.

I took it out from under my dresser and put it out. She tried to grab it but I took it back.

"Sike." I laughed.

She got frustrated. I held it up high and she kept trying to jump for it.

"You remind me so much of Lesane." She said after she stopped trying.

"Tell me who Lesane is." I say.

"Not until you give me my book back." She says.

I hand her the journal and she grabs it and runs out the trailer.

"YOU LITTLE!" I shout after her.

I run up to her and she is laughing her head off running. I catch up with her and I run backwards in front of her.

I stop and she stops out of breath. I kept trying to grab the book out of her hand.

"Don't touch my book." She laughed.

"Tell me who Lesane is." I say.

"Okay." She finally agreed.

"After filming, it’s a long story." She said.

I nodded.

"Speaking of filming, you never did my makeup." I say.

"Oh yeah, crap, we only have 3 minutes." She said checking her watch.

We walked back to the trailer. I bumped shoulders with her and she smiled up at me. Her smile was breath taking.

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