You're Disgusting

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~Tupac POV~

"Im gonna take a bath, wanna come?" I ask Amira.

She gives me an are-you-crazy look.

I smiled and shrugged. I headed for my bathroom.

~Amira POV~

I stand up from the chair  and I stretch. I look through his cabinets and I pick out a huge bag of chips. I munch on them and I click his huge TV on.

I fall on his couch and I see that Juice is playing. What a coincidence. In the middle of the movie I felt something really uncomfortable under my back. I pull the thing out.

A bra. And these were huge. My mouth hanged open. I jumped off the couch in disgust. This couch probably had 5 women that were once on it. I dropped my bag of chips on the table in front and I stormed off with the bra in my hand.

I tripped over something. A bikini bottom. I grabbed that too and stormed to his garbage. I closed my nose and opened it. There I saw a few condoms in there. I slammed it down and I felt my jealousy making me feel light headed.

I probably couldn't take opening his bedroom door but I still did. I find his room full of radios and there is a huge bed in the middle with one window. There was also a desk. I felt a ball rise in my throat when I saw women clothes on the ground. I threw what I had in my hands on his room floor and I let out a breath.

"User." I mumble as I climb the stairs.

"Bald head bastard." I mumble.

"Son of bitch." I mumble when I reach the bathroom door which I swing open.

"Sexy as hell. " I whisper when I see him in the bathtub.

He was surprised when I opened the door but then he smiled.

"I knew you would come up sometime." He said.

"Why do you do that to woman? Just have sex with them? Like they're just things?" I ask.

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

"I saw all those clothes." I say inching closer to him.

"Oh." He said laughing.

"Why are you just having sex like its nothing?" I ask.

"Why do you care?" He asked.

"Because... If i'm going to have sex with you, I should know your sex life." I say slowly.

"So one minute you don't want to have sex with me and now you do?" He said.

"I said if. And how do you think those women feel after you just use them like that?" I ask.

"Great! Ask them yourself, I'm good in bed, except of course you don't want to try so." He said shrugging.

I glanced down at him in the bathtub and I gulped.

"Thats not the point think about how they feel after you kick them out." I say.

"They just hoes." He said shrugging.

I wanted to strangle this man but kiss him. I hated that feeling.

"Janet was right to ask an AIDS test on you, you've probably been with every fucking slut." I say angrily.

"Whatever bitch, get out my house." He said.

I threw my hands up.

"Oh gladly nigga." I say.

I walk out the bathroom and I grab all the clothes from his room and I walk back to the bathroom.

I throw the clothes at him.

"I. Trusted. You." I say throwing the clothes at him.

"What the fuck are you doing Amira?" He yelled.

"You're this crazy sex addicted guy and I can't believe I even touched you." I say.

He stood up and I stop throwing the clothes.

I gasped and turned away.

"Stop acting like you own me! I didn't know you were going to be one of those bitches who are always worried about what their man is doing and what not." He said.

I throw him his towel still not looking as he wraps it around himself.

"If you don't want to have sex with me, then who else am I suppose to be fucking? Your mom?" He said.

I turned to look at him, soaking wet, sexy, muscular body I had trouble taking my eyes off.

"Aw, now thats just nasty." I say at his comment.

"Then what? I'm not just going to become some saint until you're ready to have sex with me." He said.

"I know." I mumble.

"Im sorry, I even brought it up." I say turning away from him to head towards the door.

I hated the way he was right. I couldn't believe what I was going to say right now.

I turn around and I take a deep breath in. I think I was ready, I hope I was. Is this a mistake?

"I wanna hav-" I was about to say, but I was cut off by his lips on mine.

I kissed him back and I was losing my balance on the slippery floor of the bathroom. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him as I kissed him. He started to kiss my neck and I was dying.

He stopped kissing me and we walked to his room. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I couldn't believe I was gonna do this, I was going to have sex with Tupac? I couldn't chicken out now.

He layed me on his bed and he started to take my clothes off. I looked for his lips and I kissed them again.

Stolen (A Tupac Fanfiction Love Story) (Unfinished)Where stories live. Discover now