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Malia's POV

"Come Cameron, she wants to meet you just as much as you do." i frowned not knowing what he meant until i saw the extremely good looking boy i had fallen over in the corridor as soon as i knew it was him instantly i blushed i couldnt help it but everytime i think about him emotion slips through and i cant think straight.

"Hello" he smiled at me, once again another person who was talking to me without the need of it.

Why is this happening to me?

"Hello" was the only thing i could come out with a whisper...

For some reason a grin appeared on hes face which also made Chase laugh too, i turned my head and frowned at him but then i blushed when i felt the boys eyes on me.

"So your the one who made poor Chase try and find me?" remember what the name Chase did say and i knew it was the boy who was now smiling at me with a light shade of pink in hes cheeks. 

"Yeah, well you seemed upset and a pretty girl like you shouldn't be alone when your upset." he steps forwards as he explains himself but it only made me flinch away even from Chase.

"Why would you do that its not like you know me" i frowned and stood up and started to step backwards.

"I would like too though" he gave me a sad smile but all i could do was shake my head not believing that they really wanted to be my friend because all my life i have had no friends and now for some reasons people want to be my friend.

"You don't know me... You don't want to know me..." i shook my head not believing a word of what they are saying anymore.

"Why wouldn't i?" he tilted hes head sideways like a lost puppy which almost made me laugh but then again this was serious i wasnt letting my guard down for anyone any more all it does is get me hurt and get my broken no matter how many people come up to me and try a become my friend i will keep my guard up.

"He will tell you as i guess he would anyway with or without my permission" just as i finished the bell rang telling me that its home time.

"Wait" Cameron tried to speak to me but i butted in and didnt let him continue hes sentence.

"Nice to meet you both" i whispered whilst taking the coat off that Chase has given me i gave him a small smile to tell him that i said thank you and then walked towards Cameron making me think some strange thoughts.

'Why would he even be interested in me anyway?' Shaking my head and walked away getting into my grandma's car and drove home where my so called family where suppose to me well turns out that my mum and dad didn't want me and would only come home from time to time to steal glances from me and steal money from my grandma who turns out to be better family than my parents as she had looked after me better than they did anyway just as i was driving out of the car park i looked into my rear view mirror and saw him looking at me like he wanted to talk to me trying to talk to me but i didnt give him a chance and shook my head and drove off.


This is one of the reasons that people would bully me I'm the girl that wasn't wanted by her own parents so yeah i was felt with my grandma who is amazing is she could actually see or hear you coming that is why they can do those things when they come around because they know she wouldnt fight back or even see them coming.

Sometimes i worry about my grandma especially around my own parents soon i will be 18 and away from them and hopefully will about to get the police involved but at the moment i cant because its impossible without sending my grandmother into a care home.

They would like that and then they would get everything the house, the car and the money which would leave me homeless not that they would care anyway they would do anything to get money.

Walking into the house and heard shouting or shall i say whispering but very loudly thinking that they wouldnt been heard, hiding behind the wall and listening to what they are saying.

"Just kill the old bat already!" i heard my father shout at my mother, i didn't hear her say anything then i heard a gasp coming from my grandma, i quickly ran round the corner and saw the impossible, i looked at my grandma and saw something deep deep down in her stomach knew what happened but i didn't want to believe it i couldnt...

They couldnt have done that could they?

"No.." covering my mouth with my hand as i saw the knife sticking out of my grandma's stomach and my parents standing there with a smirk like this is what they wanted all along.

My grandma looked at me and with small smile and put her index finger to her mouth and for a second there i swear i saw her eyes was her normal shade of blue unlike her unseen grey showing others shes having problem to see...

How could that be possible?

"Run..." i heard her whisper and just when she did i saw my parents had stopped talking and was now looking at me with a shock face and then it turned into anger and disgust.

Nothing ever changes...

"You little..." that was the last thing i heard before i ran out of the house to anywhere i could possible think of and some reason a was the woods hiding behind a tree trunk and heard my parents not that far behind me covering my mouth as i heard them trying to hide my breathing so they didnt know where i was.

"Come on, we cant let her get away!" my mother shouted.

"Just let her, no one will believe the little brat and she went into the woods the chances that she would come back out is very limited she would get killed by and werewolf or a bear." My father said to my mother and it seemed to walk i heard them walk away, i looked around the tree and saw them getting in the car with a huge grin on there faces.

How could they do this to her....

As soon as they drove away i ran towards the house as fast as i could.

"GRANDMA!" i shouted as i ran through the door and rushed towards her side.

"No, no no please" chanting  all over my head.

"You cant leave me" shaking my head as i spoke out loud.

"Please...." i begged her to stay with me.

"Child... Dont... Cry..." i bearly heard her voice i was shocked she was alive.

"Gran.." i whispered as i looked at her with tears in my eyes bearly able to see.

"Im going to have to go somewhere..." she whispered, i could tell it was heard for her to speak.

"Gran dont speak, save up your energy" stroking her cheek trying to persuade her to quiet down to keep her energy.

"Im not going to make it sweetheart" she shook her head slowly trying to stop my fingers as i was shaking myself knowing deep down she isnt going to make it. 

"No gran you cant go..." i stuttered out as more tears was rolling down my cheek.

"I have too sweetie, this is killing me... i just want to be with your grandpa now.." she stopped talking but i knew she wanted more to say.

"i dont want to live like this anymore" she finally gasp out.

"So.. please... please let me go" she begged but i knew it was the end for her and me it will never just be us together shes leaving me alone in the world and i cant do anything about it, i looked down as she was laying on the floor and saw she had a smile and was looking at me but she wasnt breathing anymore...

"Goodbye gran..." i whispered and kissed her forehead just when i did a tear rolled down my cheek as i laid down laying my head on her chest as i cried my sorrows away...

She's gone...

Malia crying >>>>

The Alpha And The Witch #Book 4Where stories live. Discover now