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Cameron's POV

A day became days and then it eventually became weeks, I asked Kane why hasn't she woken up yet and he couldn't give an answer no one could not even my wolf and that was worrying because i didnt know what is happening with my mate.

My father came down after I told him that I was refusing of going anywhere, so he came down and told me that Rosie was kicked out of the pack and was officially a rogue and her parents stayed and also adopted the little boy that there daughter had hurt, turns out that the kid wouldn't let go of the mother and it was made up then her wolf attached itself to the little boy like her own and now they named the boy Jeremy.

I looked at my sleeping beauty and felt my eyes closing as I was sitting in the seat not that far from the bed and then I no longer could keeps my eyes open anymore even if i could stop it if i had the fight in me.

It felt like I was only a sleep for only a few minutes until I heard someone calling me by my angels nickname, i couldnt help but  frown as i didnt want to get up when I heard it again but a little bit louder.

"Cam" i jumped and looked around alert of my surroundings once i saw that no one was around i looked and saw my angel with wide eyes.

"LeeLee?" all i could conjure up was a whisper and even then it was just below a whisper hoping she couldnt hear how my voice had changed over the weeks.

"Are you ok?" she asked me with concern in her eyes i laughed internally knowing that it should be the other way round.

"I think i should be asking you that question" sighing knowing i should have to worry about her not being ok anymore.

"Im fine, slightly confused about a few things" i knew the questions would come up eventually so might as well get them out of the way.

"Ill answer them if you want" i smiled at her lovingly.

"Why do i feel so much for you?" i watched how the words slipped out of her mouth and then she realized what she said and then she blushed.

"Um.. well that will be difficult to explain" I coughed and scratched the back of my neck as I got really nervous about telling her.

"Im pretty sure id understand" i was scared about the way she could react about what i was about to say to her.

"Well... i am a werewolf" the silence in the room was deafen, i was watching her every move waiting for the reaction but i didnt expect the reaction i got.


"Wow?" unsure if the answer i got was the real one i really got.

"Are they really real?" she asked me but i was the one that was like frozen.

"Wait, how are you not stuggling with this?" i had to ask her the question that suddenly popped up into my head.

"Um..." she whispers but with my good hearing i heard it.

"LeeLee?" i didnt know why i called it her but it seemed to just stuck in my head now.

"How long was i out?" she asked me. 

"2 weeks..."

"Can we get back to what we was talking about?" she asks me but then someone or should i say something grumbled making Malia blush in embarrassment but all i could do was burst into laughter.

"Omg, stop laughing!" she hides her face and gets redder in her cheeks.

"How about we get you something to eat, then we can talk about everything including the reason why your not scared of me especially after i told you about me being a wolf" i smiled at her and she nodded and jumped out the bed then then she stopped and went slightly weird like she was light headed and leaned onto me, so i picked her up and walked her to the kitchen.

"So what would you like to eat?" I asked her as I looked into the fridge.

"Big fat English breakfast" i was shocked and looked at her as she gave me a big wide grin showing teeth and i knew she didn't care and for the first time ever i was happy that she wasn't like those girls that cared about how much they eat.

"Right away milady" bowing to her which made her giggle and then i started to cook for her whilst i was coming up with questions.

"Cam, do you mind if i start asking questions?" she asked behind my back.

"Not at all" i grins after hearing my nickname she had used, normally i wouldn't let people call me that but when it comes from her i loved it.

"What other supernaturals are there out there?" i heard she asked behind me whilst i was doing the bacon and the sausages and for the moment i had to think.

"There are many of them around but they are hidden and dont want too be found but the top four are Wolves, Vampires, Witches/Warlocks and Sirens" i went by ticking them off in my head. 

"Whats a siren?" i heard her little voice as she asks in curiosity.

"A siren can its shape to appear human. It may seem to be either male or female, depending on how it chooses to approach a victim, it can manipulate feelings of love, whether sexual or platonic and causes its victims to kill someone they love" I says as I tried to remember what my father told me about them.

"Thats horrible!" i turned round and saw how scared she looked.

"Hey hey, not many of them are around anymore so they wont hurt us ever" i tried to persuade her but i wasnt sure if i did she looked so scared i wanted to comfort her the best way i could, putting the plates in front of us and started eating whilst she asked me questions.

"What about witches?" she whispered but something about her heartbeat made me frown, it was getting faster like she was nervous about something.

"They haven't been round for years as far as i know" thinking about my father who had friend who's mate was a witch but was killed when they found out about her even when she was a white witch.

"Are they bad?" she looked at me straight in the eyes waiting for the answer which got me curious.

"Some was but there was very alittle amount of witches that had the power for good" she nodded telling me she understood then she went quiet i looked at her wondering if she was ok then then she bent down holding her stomach. 

"Hey, are you ok?" frowning getting off me seat and went to touch her but i felt the heat running off her.

"It hurts..." she whimpers and then she took off running, so i did the only thing i knew and followed her wanting to know if she was ok.

'Was my cooking that bad?'  i questioned if it was cooking so then my wolf decided to come in the conversation and snorted in amusement.

'Run after her then you idiot' he shouted as we watched her running into the woods.

Running after her deep into the woods she stopped into the clearing and was kneeling down on the grass, holding her stomach and then she screamed a high pitch scream like she was in pain.

Making me whimper with need to help her but then this bright light started to hit her in all directions making me gasp in shock, knowing the only explanation of the questions and the light.

My mate was a witch...

Cameron >>>>

The Alpha And The Witch #Book 4Where stories live. Discover now