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"So, young lady," Ben said when he entered the room. "Time for your pills," he announced and put the small box on the table.

Nora closed her book and put it down next to the small box. Ben smiled and closed the curtains, it was already dark outside, and it was almost the end of the day. Nora took the medicines and drank some water.

"Peter James..." he said and pointed at the book. "Fan?"

"Yeah, he's a good writer," she answered. "Ultimate Proof is a good book for so far," she said and nodded. "A bit Dan Brown-ish, same vibes as The Da Vinci Code."

"Hmm, I will consider it to read it when I have a day off," he mentioned. "I like his books, he's a good writer, Dan Brown too." A smile curved on his lips and insert some notes in Nora's chart.

Nora smiled and sat cross-legged. "You like to read?"

"Yeah, behind the doctor hides a book nerd," he smirked and shut down the tablet. Nora smirked. "When I have days off, and I don't have to do things such as meeting up with friends or other stuff, I read," he told her and sat down at the foot of the bed. "And my favourite thing about finding a good book is when I can't put it down; reading until deep in the night, first thing in the morning is picking up that book."

She nodded slowly, and her eyes sparkled out of joy. "And only stopping when my eyes hurt and my vision gets blurry from the lack of sleep. Reading until I'm hungry or when I need to go to the loo."

Ben laughed. "Exactly!" He looked at her. "I didn't think you would be a book person," he honestly told her.

"Why? Because I race in F2?" Nora teased.

"You got me there."

"I get your point, but it's peaceful to read. And especially if you live in a world like mine. Besides writing things in my notebook and reading is my escape from the hectic world," she spoke.

He nodded. "We have way more in common than you think, missy." There was a short pause in their conversation. "So," Ben continued. "Had fun with your sister?"

I wouldn't exactly call it fun, but that's fine for now. "Yeah, it was."

"That didn't sound too excited," he chuckled.

Nora liked him, not only on his looks but his personality was lovely too. His character was warm, open and kind. "It is and will be my baby sister."

"I know what you mean. I've a younger brother and a young sister too," he opened up. "Always have to be the wisest and be a role model to those annoying arseholes."

Nora giggled. "Yup. Aubrey is like a younger, more annoying version of me. Everything I have wants she too; clothes, stuff, friends, boyfriends..." she breathed. "And Fabian, my half-brother, he is just himself. Sofia, my half-sister, is herself too. Sometimes asking for advice or stuff, but not that often. It's not that I see them often. It's annoying."

Ben laughed. "One hundred per cent accurate."

A yawn left her mouth, and she blinked a few times.

"A driver, huh?"

Nora nodded. "Or at least, former driver or whatever I am now," she said emotionless. Her eyes met Ben's eyes again, he felt sorry for her. "Yup."

"Do you know how it happened?" His voice was soft, like he was already bonding too much with his patient.

She shook her head. "Nope, not a thing," she sighed. "I wish I could though, but it's one single black hole I get trapped in when I'm thinking of it." Nora licked her lips. "I call it The Blackout."

"That's terrifying," he mumbled. "Why a driver? And not a writer or something else?" Ben was getting interested in Nora. Not only her medical life was interesting, but her own personal life wasn't boring as well.

"I guess I like living on the edge, pushing until I can't go further, testing limits. And the speed, it's like an adrenaline kick. Racing through corners, high speed on straights," she told him while a smile grew on her face. "And living on the edge this time made me step too far over the edge with my toes, and I lost my balance, I slipped, I fell, and I luckily was strong enough to grab the edge, push myself up and stepped away from it to a save distance."

"Poetic," Ben whispered. "Beautifully said," he complimented her. "I drive a motor, testing the limits is a different kind of kick," he said. Nora nodded, showing him she agreed with him. "Aren't you scared to have an accident? Like now."

She shrugged. "Testing limits comes with the possibility of losing everything. Of course, it is scary to think it can all be over a small mistake, but the chance is small, or I thought it was small."

"Do you think you will drive again?"

"I don't know, maybe. I can't walk properly, let alone train again or sit in a car. I was promoted to the F1, I could win in F2, and here I am...sitting in a bed because I can't do anything." Nora was hurt, but she knew she couldn't change anything about this situation. "And hearing Lando, Alex and George talk about the big step to F1 makes it hard. I don't think I will drive this year or even next year, maybe after that. I don't know." Nora looked away and listened to the beeps of the monitor of her heart rate. "But maybe it is better for now that I don't know what happened. I don't even know for sure I had an accident, I think I do, but I have no idea. Maybe I fell off the stairs, or was ran over by a car or an had an episode."

The way Nora told about her experience was fascinating. She was openminded and positive on herself, something that was new for Ben. He worked with people for a while now, people who were in worse conditions, but they were not even close to how Nora was. Nora was unique, she was one of the few.

"Oh god, I'm talking to you like you're Damien. I'm sorry I set you up with my problems and thoughts."

"Don't be Nora." Ben gave her a comforting smile. "I nearly had a dead experience when I was a kid. I thought I could swim, my mum told me not to try it out. Stubbornly enough, I jumped in a lake, and I almost drowned myself," he said and smirked.

Nora chuckled: "you what?"

"I was three years old!" Ben laughed.

A laugh rolled over her lips, and she stretched her legs. "What did you even think?"

"I don't know, I thought it was normal to swim, that it was something you already knew what to do," he widely smiled. "Kids logic, Nora."

"I know, I know. I once glued a drawing on the wall because I thought it was the same as a painting," she smirked and put up her thumbs.

"How old were you?"

"Five years young," she widely smiled. "What an innocent life, being five years old," she dreamily said.

A knock on the door made the two people look at the door. Doctor Kline entered the room, making Ben his eyes grow and stand up from the bed. He quickly glanced at Nora, who grinned.

"Good evening Nora," Kline nodded and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Doctor Bailey, do you realise you are late to the updates for the nurses and me?"

Ben parted his lips, and he looked innocently at Kline. "Late?"

"Yes, late. An hour late. I had to look for you in every room, doctor Bailey," Kline said, he enjoyed seeing Ben in panic. Nora, on the other hand, noticed the amusement in his voice. "Next time make sure you walk your rounds, update the nurses and me and then sit with Nora or someone else," he said.

"Oh, bollocks," he mumbled. "Yes, sir," Ben shortly said and nodded.

Kline smiled. "Good. Go update the nurses," he said.

Ben looked at Nora. "Nice talk. See you tomorrow. Don't dream too hard. Good night," he quickly said and left the room like a lion was chasing him.

"Good night, Nora. I hope doctor Bailey didn't bother you."

Nora shook her head. "He's kind," she replied. "Good night."

"Doctor Bailey probably will come back to shut off the lights, so be prepared for that. I will see you tomorrow."

The Blackout ⤖ George RussellWhere stories live. Discover now