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Nora stepped inside her house, and she scanned the hallway. A satisfied smile grew on her face; home. Soft barks filled her ears, the barks became louder. The dog left the living room and ran towards Nora. Nora's eyes lit up, and her smile grew even wider.

"Oscar, baby, hi. Hello, hey," she cried out. "I missed you so much," she said. The small beagle of four months old jumped against her legs. "You're so big," Nora continued. "I can't squat for cuddles, but we will cuddle later."

"Someone's happy to see you," Victoria said and smiled. "Do you want a cup of tea?" She looked at Nora, who nodded. "Hugo, Aubrey?"

Hugo put down the bags and took off his coat. "I would love to, darling," he answered, also for Aubrey.

Aubrey helped Nora with getting off her coat. Nora's muscles felt stuff, taking off her coat took a lot of effort and energy. Victoria walked to the kitchen while Aubrey, Nora and Hugo went to the living room. Oscar was following them. Nora gently sat down on the coat. Oscar looked at her with big, begging eyes.

"Only this time," Nora said, knowing her dad wouldn't agree on what Nora was doing. She padded on her knee, making Oscar jumping on the sofa and walking over to Nora's lap. The dog leaned against her. "Hello love," Nora said happily and cuddled Oscar. "You need to stop growing, you're getting so big." She looked at her dad, who was smirking and shaking his head.

"How are you feeling?" Hugo asked and crossed his legs.

"Tired," Nora answered. "It was a hell of a trip."

The ride home was short. It only took them twenty minutes to go from the hospital to go home, it was a regular drive. But for Nora, it wasn't; she left the protective bubble of being surrounded by the best doctors in the world and faced the real world. It was overwhelming to see the real world again, the stimuli entered Nora's head twice as hard. Seeing and hearing sirens, facing many people, the sounds of cars and even the radio was almost too much. However, being home again felt good. The trusted environment felt good, Nora felt more comfortable.

"You can rest now," Hugo said. "It's good to have you home again, angel." He gave her a warm smile.

She nodded as a reply. "It feels good now I can fully focus on the recovery. And being able to finally sleep in my own comfortable, not hard, bed."

Victoria placed a plate with four cups, biscuits and teapot on the table. "That reminds me to change the sheets of your bed." 

Nora looked thankful at her step mum. "I want to thank you all so much. Without you...I probably would still be at the hospital and die of loneliness."

"You don't have to thank us for that. We are your family, we always support you, we always will," Victoria replied. Victoria was the sweetest and kind person Nora ever met. Hugo met Victoria a year after Maude left him, it was love at first sight. There also was a good connection between Nora, Aubrey and Victoria, it was there since day one. Victoria took care of the two girls like they were her own children. Victoria was more a mum to them than Maude was. "I'm happy to have you home, Norie."

"By the way," Hugo said and grinned. "Ben?"

Nora frowned, and Aubrey giggled.

"Doctor Ben Bailey," Aubrey teased and got herself some tea.

"What's up with him?" Nora asked.

"He seemed...interested," Hugo said and raised his eyes.

Nora snorted. "No, dad. He's my doctor, nothing else. We are getting along pretty well, but that's all. I'm not seeing him until the next appointment, and he will stay my doctor, nothing more," she shrugged and stroked Oscar's head.

"That's what they all said," Victoria said and smirked.

Aubrey nodded heavily. "Congratulations, you have reached the stage of denying love," she said and passes Nora's shoulder.

"Bull crap."

"Why did he walk you to the car? And why did he gave you a note with probably his phone number?" Nora looked at Aubrey. "And all those cheeky smiles when he was doing the post-ups?"

"Woman," Nora groaned. "If I would walk properly, I would have gone to my room now. He is my doctor, and that's all. We had some deep and good conversations on lonely evenings." She looked at the puppy on her lap. "Ben is kind, but that's all. I would like to keep it on the friends level."

"'I would like'. Nora, you don't get to choose when you fall in love and with whom, sweetie."

Nora rolled her eyes. "But I get to know when I fall in love and with whom I'm falling in love with. And I know Ben is not him."

"We're just teasing," Hugo said. "But there was a little love tension between you two."

Nora looked up and locked her eyes with her dad. She pressed her lips into a thin line and looked annoyed at him. It only made him laugh. "Whatever," she mumbled.

The day passed quickly. Even though everybody went their own way later on that day, it went faster than a day at the hospital. Nora enjoyed all the trusted surroundings; she was home. Being able to lay on the couch with a good book while Oscar was sleeping on her stomach was making her so happy. Despite all the happenings in the past two weeks, were things good. Oh, and not forget to mention the food at home was so much better.

For the first time, Nora grabbed her notebook after she wrote down about him: it was the day after the pizza night. She didn't bother to write things down, there wasn't much to write down since she spoke with Ben and shared her mind. But today was a day to write down about.

When she opened her notebook, her eyes fell on a note she did not write down. It wasn't her handwriting, it didn't belong to her. But who was it? A thin line appeared between her eyebrows, and she bit her lip. She flipped back through the pages, and her eye fell on the first note: same handwriting. It was George. She went back to his note. Of course, it is George, he even wrote his name underneath it. The heat appeared on her cheeks, and she chewed on the inside on her cheek. Nora's eyes flew over the text, her smile widened on some moments and on other moments, she kept her smile small. A warm feeling rushed through her body.

Hi Nora,

It's up to you when you read this, I don't think it will be soon because you're asleep. I want to let you know that I am so immensely proud of you, Nora. You have been through a lot, and I know you feel devastated and lonely now... Know that you are not alone, I am right here with you day or night. You are such an amazing and gorgeous person, and anybody would be so lucky to be able to even know you.

Once you get out of the hospital, which is today (!!!), we will go out and do fun things. I promise I will take you to your favourite bakery for your favourite pastry you sometimes won't shut up about, and movie night since I still owe you one. Don't worry about that, I always remember everything.

I think, I know, when you read this you will be at home. Finally home. I have made a deal with your sister: when you need me, just ask her if she will call or text me (since you are still not allowed to have your phone, we have to communicate via Aubrey or the old skool telephone. I will figure out what you will use ;) ). Anyway, I will not steal more space in your notebook, and I promise I haven't read your personal stories, I only looked at this page, I promise.

Nora, you're strong, don't forget that. And everything will be fine, it takes time, and I will be there with you. We are going through this together.


The Blackout ⤖ George RussellWhere stories live. Discover now